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I'm Amanda. I'm 19. I tend to like things. I especially like making lists about myself, other people and my viewpoints. I also like animals, feeling safe, remembering things and looking at / taking pictures. Some things I DON'T like include math, vomit, conflict and post-traumatic stress disorder.

Listography is probably my second-favourite website, after Livejournal. I reveal more of myself o...

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  • "Yeah? Well YOU didn't almost have to sleep with her!" - David Weaver
  • Amanda: -makes strange inaudiable sounds whilst trying to get on to her bed-
    • Jeremiah: Ashley, I think Amanda has turned into a demon.
    • Amanda: Of what?
    • Jeremiah: Of... cats!
    • Amanda: Yesssssss! ... oh, no, wait, that's snakes.
  • Andrew: Have you ever spent the whole night awake, just thinking?
    • Ama: Yeah.
    • Andrew: Doesn't it suck when you have school the next day?
    • Ama: Yeah.
    • Andrew: I did that last night. It was, like, five in the morning before I thought: I have school tomorrow. I am screwed.
    • Ama: What were you thinking about?
    • Andrew: Ways to get out of going to school.
    • Ama: By playing sick?
    • Andrew: Yeah.
    • Ama: What was the leading idea?
    • Andrew: Explosive diarreah. That way, they won't ask, and they'll keep their distance.
  • "When I went to bible camp, a cow got struck by lightning and there were all these body parts and guts strewn across the camp and on the cabin walls and stuff. And the worst part of it was, we had burgers for lunch." - Jamie.
  • "When I started playing Pokemon Platinum, I first discovered Bidoof. My immediate thought was: Oh my GAWD, what a GOOBER! I think I'm going to name it Stanley. Somehow, the thought reminded me of Benaroo, and I had a mental image of everyone in a room talking animatedly, maybe even fighting, and Ben's sitting quietly playing with and patting a Bidoof. All of a sudden there's a silence, and you just hear Ben going: "Staaaanley." - Me
  • Ama: 1X1=21!
    • Geo: I hope you won't be teaching your kid math.
    • Ama: No. I'll leave the financial, mathmatical and cooking stuff to my husband.
    • Geo: Oh, you'd BETTER leave the cooking for him!
    • Ama: Yeah! It's like he and my kid come home from a soccer game, and I say "Honey, I made dinner!" --
    • Geo: And he's just like "HOLY SHIT!!!" and grabs the little kid up --
    • Kels: And the kid says "Why are we going, Daddy?" And the husband says "To McDonalds! Their food is better than your moms." --
    • Ama: And then he's running to the door, holding the kid like a mini battering-ram --
    • Geo: And he gets outside and sees --
    • Ama: You -points to Geo- and says "Ceeko! Go long!" --
    • Geo: And then he throws the kid at me to catch, and it's like football --
    • Kels: And the kid goes "Uncle Ceeko, catch me!" And then the kid falls two inches away from Geo.
  • Amanda: "My tongue is longer."
    • Kelsey: "But still not Gene Simmons."
    • Amanda: "More like his underling."
    • Kelsey: "... Maybe."
  • Teija: (About Angela) Oh jeez, what a model, so full of herself.
    • Amanda: She should be, she has an octostash.
  • "Well all I know is that some weird lady who was high declared my fate on a bus at midnight!" - Teija
  • Angela: Stop putting yourself down!
  • "My crew is prettier than yours!" - Teija's dad.
  • (About some chips) "They're lightly salted... like the sea..." - Emma
  • Unknown person: You should take a cosmo class!
    • Amanda: No, I'd just look at everyone and say "You need longer hair."
  • Mom: She's acting insane!
    • Amanda: No need to act!
  • Ethan: I didn't get the part in the play.
    • Geography classroom goes completely silent-
  • Ama: I just broke up with my boyfriend....
    • Angela: Which one?
  • Kelsey: Colin has been to Australia.
    • Ama: Oh, God, another Aussie!
  • Drama Teacher: Amanda, you made a very convincing dog...
    • Ama: - thinking- I'm glad to have found my calling in life.
  • Kelsey: I'm bored
    • Ama: Read Les Mis.
    • Kelsey: I was just gonna do that! You're like a mind reader!
    • Ama: I should get myself a turban and a booth by the train station
    • Kelsey: Yeah, and this random guy can come over and ask if he's going to miss his train and you can be like "By talking to me, you will... you're hot... can I have your email?" and then you'll talk the rest of the day with him...
    • Ama: .....
    • Kelsey I can see that happening...
  • Jordan: Angela may be taller than me... -takes another milk carton from his pocket- but does she have TWO milks?
  • Deniz: Stupid Grinch... he should be white like us, instead of green....
    • Spencer: Deniz, you're not white.
    • Deniz: Right. Well. Shut up.
  • Ama: -holding out thing of fries - Who wants the rest of these?
    • Random Guy: -walks into hall-
    • Ama: Not you. You can't have any -to random guy-
    • Random Guy: I can't? :(
    • Ama: No, you can't.
    • Random Guy: Oh, the agony!!!!!
  • Ama: - is craining her neck for a better look of the front of the class-
    • Kels: What are you doing?
    • Ama: Trying to read Christian's shirt.
    • Kels: -also tries- CHRISTIAN! STOP MOVING!
    • Christian: -comes back to his desk by them, sits down and puts on sweater-
  • Ama: - is lost in her story "The Sword In The Stone"-
    • Remy: Oh, God, my pants are too tight... - unzipps pants and... sticks his hands down them...-
    • Mike: Uh... ew.
    • Ethan: Keep you're pride down there. We don't want to see anything.
    • Ama: - excitedly because she just met Merlin in her book- WE GET TO MEET MERLIN!
  • Christian: Oh, come to the football game, Amanda! And bring a banner that says "Blakelock sucks! Go Other Team!"
    • Ama: I would never do that to you guys!
    • Christian: You've never paid attention during our games.
  • Ama: Oh my God. -looks at Blackboard in Drama- JORDAN! We're learning how to be mimes!
    • Jordan: Ahahaha! Mr. Mime on Pokemon... he made a wall and it stopped a flood... -laughs hysterically-
    • *ten minutes later, Ama is across the class from Jordan doing the Box Thing-
    • Jordan: -walks over - Hahaha... Mr. Mime....
  • Ama: -is talking about regrets- I'm sad, because there's always going to be that ice between my old friend and I... ice we can't break.
    • Blair: Say 'Fat Fish'
    • Ama: Huh?
    • Blair: Fat Fish. To break the ice.
    • Drama Teacher: Oh, God. I regret hearing Blair's joke just now.
  • Ama: My Mime thing is all about me washing a friggin car!
    • Jordan: - singing- Workin' at the car wash!
    • later -
    • during Presentations, Jordan holds up a sign that says 'Workin' at the car wash!' while I'm presenting=
  • Science Teacher: So, you're going through a room of honey, you're going through a room of water, and get this.... you... are going through a room of jello.
    • Chris: A room full of Jello... -in dreamy voice-
    • Ama: Almost as good as a room full of cheese...
    • Chris: Mmm... cheeeeese....
  • Science Teacher: If we touch that wire, we're all toast.
    • Chris: I like toast.
feb 19 2011 ∞
mar 20 2011 +