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Hey there, thanks for stopping by my listography (or hitting the explore button til you got here). Find the time to read a bite of poetry, try a recipe, or listen to some new tunes (or find something cool while you're here). Have a superb day!

listography GIVE MEMORIES
Jacinda crushes (current obsessions: updated often)
mollie little men
family names (paternal tree)
maya ♡ our names (names me and my girlfriend both like ♡)
  • Sunshine
  • Gem
  • Rain
  • Light
  • Rainbow
  • Rue
  • Siberia
  • Early
  • Joy
  • Starry
  • Sterling
  • Meadow
  • Dawn
  • Sea
  • Fall
  • Winter
  • Stem
  • Flower
  • Merry
  • Darling
  • Gardenia
oct 18 2024 ∞
oct 18 2024 +

"Saya, my darling Saya. Is this really what you want? Why do you go so far for me? What am I, that you can give yourself to me body and soul? Is this merely sympathy? Do you pity me, the exile from society? Is that enough for you to surrender yourself to such mad desire? Are you so wanton?"

-Sakisaka Fuminori, Saya No Uta

sep 24 2024 ∞
sep 24 2024 +

"If he has been poisoned, as Ryoko's ghost said, then that poison is none other than the truth itself. Just as pure oxygen is harmful to the body, the naked truth has the power to destroy men's mind. Only by diluting it with lies and talking it in small doses can humans maintain a healthy soul."

- Tono Koji, Saya No Uta

sep 24 2024 ∞
sep 24 2024 +

Here in the wayside hedge I stand, And look across the open land; Rejoicing thus, unclipped and free, I think how you must envy me, O garden Privet, prim and neat, With tidy gravel at your feet!

-The Privet Fairy

sep 24 2024 ∞
sep 24 2024 +

Heliotrope’s my name; and why People call me “Cherry Pie”, That I really do not know; But perhaps they call me so, ’Cause I give them such a treat, Just like something nice to eat. For my scent—O come and smell it!

How can words describe or tell it? And my buds and flowers, see, Soft and rich and velvety— Deepest purple first, that fades To the palest lilac shades. Well-beloved, I know, am I— Heliotrope, or Cherry Pie!

- The Heliotrope Fairy

sep 23 2024 ∞
sep 23 2024 +
  • Albina ~ white; pure
  • Mariposa ~ french for butterfly
  • Wildah ~ english word name for 'wild'
  • Elisheba ~ character in old testament
  • Rosealba ~ italian for 'white rose'
  • Luna ~ latin for moon
  • Aisling ~ irish for dream or vision
  • Ophelia ~ greek for help or advantage; the name of Hamlet's lover who goes insane and drowns herself
  • Aurora ~ latin for 'dawn'; roman goddess of the morning
  • Winona ~ sioux for "first born daughter"; According to folklore, name of a daughter of a Dakota chief who leapt from a cliff to her death rather than marry a man she hated
  • Alice ~ short form of old english 'Adelais'; Alice in Wonderland
  • Elke ~ germanic form of Alice
  • Saya ~ japanese for 'scabbard/sheath' or ...
aug 20 2024 ∞
sep 24 2024 +
  • Add all the ingredients into the pot, pour over water to cover the ingredients. Leave 1-2 inches from the top of the pot.
  • Place a tight-fitting lid on top. Turn on the stove, and bring it to a boil. Once you reach a boil, reduce heat to simmer.
  • If you used a whole chicken, remove the chicken to take off the cooked meat from the bones, and add all of the bones, juices, and carcass parts back into the pot.
  • Return the lid and simmer for at least a remaining 4 hours, when using bones I prefer to simmer for 12-24 hours to get the full benefits from bones, roots, and herbs. The longer you simmer the more nutritious and delicious the broth will be.
  • If you notice the water evaporating and getting low pour in a few more cups of water.
  • Once 4-24 hours has passed, turn off the heat, let cool, and strain out the solids...
feb 29 2024 ∞
sep 24 2024 +

Faith the way to salvation.

Rom. 1:16; Eph. 2:8,9.

Not by the laws of innocence Can Adam's sons arrive at heav'n; New works can give us no pretence To have our ancient sins forgiv'n.

Not the best deeds that we have done Can make a wounded conscience whole; Faith is the grace, and faith alone, That flies to Christ, and saves the soul.

Lord, I believe thy heav'nly word, Fain would I have my soul renewed; I mourn for sin, and trust the Lord To have it pardoned and subdued.

O may thy grace its power display, Let guilt and death no longer reign; Save me in thine appointed way, Nor let my humble faith be vain.

-Isaac Watts

oct 18 2024 ∞
oct 18 2024 +

Are they blue, gray or green? Mysterious eyes (as if in fact you were looking through a mist) in alternation tender, dreamy, grim to match the shiftless pallor of the sky.

That's what you're like- these warm white afternoons which make the ravished heart dissolve in tears, the nerves, inexplicably overwrought, outrage the dozing mind.

Not always, though-sometimes you're like the horizon when the sun ignites our cloudy autumn-how you glow! A sodden countryside in sudden rout, turned incandescent by a changing wind.

Dangerous woman-demoralizing days! Will I adore your killing frost as much, and in that implacable winter, when it comes, discover pleasures sharper than iron and ice?

-Charles Baudelaire

sep 24 2024 ∞
sep 24 2024 +

"I am sad I wasn't believed, but I know that it couldn't be helped. In this world, reality is what the majority says it is, and I had the misfortune to step outside of that box."

-Sakisaka Fuminori, Saya No Uta

sep 24 2024 ∞
sep 24 2024 +

“Foxglove, Foxglove, What do you see?” The cool green woodland, The fat velvet bee; Hey, Mr Bumble, I’ve honey here for thee!

“Foxglove, Foxglove, What see you now?” The soft summer moonlight On bracken, grass, and bough; And all the fairies dancing As only they know how.

-The Foxglove Fairy

sep 24 2024 ∞
sep 24 2024 +

By the peaceful stream or the shady pool I dip my leaves in the water cool.

Over the water I lean all day, Where the sticklebacks and the minnows play.

I dance, I dance, when the breezes blow, And dip my toes in the stream below.

- The Willow Fairy

sep 23 2024 ∞
sep 23 2024 +
  • Ambrosia ~ feminine ver. of Ambrose; greek for 'immortal'
  • Esmeralda ~ Spanish and portuguese for "emerald"
  • Concetta ~ italian for "conceived; conception"; referring to the Virgin Mary
  • Melany ~ spelling of Melanie; meaning 'black, dark'; name of a nymph in greek myth
  • Susanna ~ Hebrew for "lily", new Hebrew, "rose", and egyptian for "lotus"; refering to the Susanna in the old testament falsely committed of adultery. The prophet Daniel clears her name by tricking her accusers, who end up being condemned themselves. It also occurs in the New Testament belonging to a woman who ministers to Jesus.
  • Persephone ~ Greek deity of fertility and the seasons; In Greek myth she was the daughter of Demeter and Zeus. She was abd...
aug 20 2024 ∞
sep 24 2024 +
  • Disintegration: The Cure
  • The Head on the Door: The Cure
  • Seventeen Seconds: The Cure
  • The Cure: The Cure
  • Melody's Echo Chamber: Melody's Echo Chamber
  • It'll End in Tears: This Mortal Coil
  • Blood: This Mortal Coil
  • Where to put the pain: Alice Boman
  • Amnesia: Sanguis et Cinis
  • Dark Moon Night: The Shroud
  • Long Ago and Far Away: The Shroud
  • Through The Gash: Hannah Fury
  • The Stars at Saint Andrea: Devics
  • Smiling & Waving: Anja Garbarek
  • Something Wrong: Bang Gang
  • Under A Clouded Sky: Bay Laurel
  • Stratosphere: Duster
  • Transmission, Flux: Duster
  • Grace: Jeff Buckley
  • Down Colourful Hill: Red House Painters
feb 2 2021 ∞
sep 24 2024 +

birthday: April 12

zodiac: Aries sun, cancer rising

traits: curious, adventurous, determined, optimistic

favorite book: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas

favorite movie (currently): Fight Club

sep 24 2024 ∞
sep 24 2024 +
  • The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand
  • The Mysteries of Udolpho by Ann Radcliffe
sep 23 2024 ∞
oct 17 2024 +

"I still had some power against the madness."

- Tanbo Ryoko, Saya No Uta

sep 24 2024 ∞
sep 24 2024 +

Among the black yews, their shelter, the owls are arranged in a row, like alien deities, the glow of their red eyes pierces. They ponder. They perch there without moving, till that melancholy moment when quenching the falling sun, the shadows are growing. Their stance teaches the wise to fear, in this world of ours, all tumult, and all movement: Mankind drunk on brief shadows always incurs a punishment for his longing to stir, and go.

-Charles Baudelaire

sep 24 2024 ∞
sep 24 2024 +

These are the things I love and know: The sound of the waves, the sight of the sea; The great wide shore when the tide is low; Where there’s salt in the air, it’s home to me— With my petals of gold—the home for me! The waves come up and cover the sand, Then turn at the pebbly slope of the beach; I feel the spray of them, where I stand, Safe and happy, beyond their reach— With my marvellous horns— beyond their reach!

-The Horned Poppy

sep 24 2024 ∞
sep 24 2024 +

The green wheat’s a-growing, The lark sings on high; In scarlet silk a-glowing, Here stand I.

The wheat’s turning yellow, Ripening for sheaves; I hear the little fellow Who scares the bird-thieves.

Now the harvest’s ended, The wheat-field is bare; But still, red and splendid, I am there.

-The Poppy Fairy

sep 23 2024 ∞
sep 23 2024 +


  • In a stovetop pan, heat up the ginger, turmeric, garlic cloves, and carrots until softened.
  • While spices heat, separately make poached or soft-boiled eggs.
  • When the spices and carrots are softened, pour them and the broth into a pan to warm.
  • Boil the noodles in a separate pot until ready. If using miracle noodles, just strain and set aside.
  • Add the wakame seaweed straight into the broth.
  • Pour in the reishi mushroom broth.
  • Take the broth off the heat, and pour it into 2 serving bowls.
  • Add in the rest of the ingredients to garnish.
  • Enjoy!
feb 29 2024 ∞
sep 24 2024 +

Seaweed and Vegetable Ingredients:

  • Wakame Seaweed – Extremely nutrient dense plant with a ton of vitamins and minerals. A great addition to the broth.
  • Dulse Flakes– Packed with Omega-3 and heart-healthy compounds.
  • Kombu Seaweed – Adds a savory, umami taste but also packed with vitamins and minerals
  • Nori Seaweed – High in important minerals and nutrients, including iodine. Giving you benefits of electrolytes.
  • Onion – Anti-oxident and anti-inflammitory. Also, very delicious to add to broth!
  • Leeks – Adds a great flavor to the broth.
  • Spring onions – A subtle onion flavor that enhances the flavor of the broth.
  • Lemon – Packed with Vitamin C which is great for the immune system. Also adds a ...
sep 16 2023 ∞
sep 24 2024 +