inspired by vagabond & rain

  • as a bee: those friendly bees that like to buzz by your ears to say hello.
  • as a cat: the cat that growls at every dog that walks past but runs when the dog acknowledges it.
  • as a celtic goddess: flidais – goddess of the woodlands and wild things. she is a shapeshifter and is associated with protection and wild animals.
  • as a fairy tale aesthetic: stolen treasures, flashing swords and thunderstorms
  • as a fairy tale: jack and the beanstalk
  • as a fairy-tale character: the wicked queen
  • as a fairy: rainforest fairy, red hair, green eyes and wings, loves the hotter months, dress made out of tropical plants and flowers, dark green glow, has the power to fly long distances.
  • as a fictitious ancient society: located extremely close to the equator and bordering several active volcanoes, arian people are known for their advanced warfare techniques and exuberance in the destruction of their foes. this does not mean, however, that they don’t have an innate softness. they have a very equal society and the fruits of war are always distributed evenly throughout the kingdom. competition is a dominant element, but not without generosity or passion. their people value honesty and fierceness, and have the uncanny quality of almost looking lit from within. each citizen is fiercely independent, but this does not inhibit their ability to create long lasting allies of foreign nations. they tend to have bright teeth and a strong stature.
  • as a manic pixie dream girl: dyes her hair a different color every 2 days
  • as a mermaid: black tail shimmering red and orange, like burning coals. can withstand great heat and lives near volcanic isles or underwater volcanoes.
  • as a norse goddess: freyja – goddess of love, fertility and battle
  • as a old person: old lady who yells at the cashier because prices on fiber-enriched oatmeal have gone up.
  • as a scents: cinnamon
  • as a teacher: loud, enthusiastic teacher who never sits down
  • as a witch: fire witch – focuses on the fire element, does a lot of work involving candles, burning, etc.
  • as an alien: strong, fierce aliens with skin in various shades of red. they live on a desert planet in large adobe castles with their extended family clan. known to be very protective, these aliens often battle other clans who threaten the safety of their families and are skilled warriors. however, they are very generous and family oriented during times of peace
  • as an egyptian goddess: sekhmet – goddess of fire and vengeance
  • as an old person: old lady who yells at the cashier because prices on fiber-enriched oatmeal have gone up
  • as an unexplainable emotion: kuebiko – a state of exhaustion inspired by acts of senseless violence.
  • as rain: fresh rain – after you’ve been and gone, the smell of nature is hung in the air. you water and give and leave. you’re considerate.
  • ingredients of: the first wisps of baby hair, lava and bloody knees.
  • various aesthetics:
    • as feelings: a sundress with nothing underneath; lying on a trampoline at nighttime; being dragged into an adventure; the way your stomach feels like it's falling faster than the rest of you; a brand new backpack; a balcony view.
    • as nice things: cute tipsy girls giggling as they help each other walk home; relaxing on a sofa after a long day; when a friend remembers a favorite thing of yours
    • as three feelings: the minute you finish something you've been working on for ages with confidence that it is perfect. when the person you couldn't admit you wanted to call finally calls. running after someone, exhilerated.
    • books, chiffon, hydrangeas, blacklights, cactus flowers, watermelon
    • inspiration: sharing knowing smiles
    • knitted scarves, red lipstick, fairy lights, lemongrass, old books, balloons, minimalism
    • negative qualities the signs possess: impatience, impetuousness, recklessness, selfishness, jealousy, vanity, pride, ruthlessness, and possessiveness.
    • passion, fire in their veins, endless energy. they want to live forever and just experience everything, passionate about life and love and anything that holds their interest. they want to be the best at everything. they’re icarus flying too close to the sun, achilles and his power and his immortality. they’re loud and wild and they want the world, to live with childish excitement. their anger, though, is unpredictable and terrifying, like a volcano or a dragon that leave nothing behind their fury.
    • sneaking out at 3 am
    • the signs during a math test: this is so easy literally a toad with no eyes can do this
    • the smell of cinnamon, long hallways, red roses, sitting on top of a large rock, bonfire with friends, pouring a drink into a glass
    • things i associate with the signs: (azstrology) the need to be right, telling the same story over and over again, laying on the floor where the sun comes in through the window, summer barbecues, waking up and needing a drink of water.
    • things i associate with the signs: (dark-astrology) waking up at the crack of dawn, being so excited you can’t sleep, watching a rated r movie for the first time, motorcycles in the middle of the night, sunrises, going up on a roller coaster.
  • witchy aesthetics: casual spirituality, pendulum questions, humming, long walks, the crescent moon, and the smell of lavender
dec 17 2015 ∞
jul 24 2016 +