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perpetually and forever
a renaissance of wonder

cariatide books (2025)
ivyink films (films & series i've watched 2025)
christina writing (ideas for novel 2025 (2 of 2))
Han television (series watched in 2024-2024)
beable quotes (2025)
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  • as a witch: Sea Witch - uses the ocean in their magick practices, utilizing the natural objects in the sea such as seashells, salt water, driftwood, may worship sea deities
  • witchy aesthetics: an altar in every room, meditation, jade, eclipses, energy work, and the smell of frankincense
  • as a mermaid: beautiful tail, appearing in greens, blues, and purples. Able to talk to the sea animals. Protect the flora and fauna of the oceans
  • as a fairy: Ocean fairy, dark blue eyes, long, blonde wavy hair, silky voice, flirtatious, loves the creatures of the ocean, white glow, outspoken, outgoing, confident, lives in the ocean.
  • associations: lavender fields, fairy lights, dreamcatchers, crystal necklaces, forget-me-nots, honeybees, something you were afraid of turning out just fine
  • in a single word: Marijuana.
  • as a celtic goddess: caer ibormeith – goddess of sleep and dreams. often takes the form of a swan. singer of the sweetest, most restful music ever heard on earth.
  • as a cat: the cat that has one favourite person and is scared of everyone else. everyone wants to be that person
  • various aesthetics:
    • the taste of lemon drop candies, the sound your computer makes when it turns on, the feeling you get in your stomach when you're high above ground and looking down, the sight of a newly-born kitten, the smell of freshly cleaned and dried sheets.
    • sitting on the beach at night with your highschool sweetheart, going to a fair or boardwalk amusement park, early morning snow, riding a school bus, reading a coming-of-age novel.
    • Marianas Trench, matching tattoos, jazz music, traces of glitter from your lover, prom night, watching the stars, concerts, crying of joy, falling in love, psychic abilities, sunsets, white sheets.
    • being pushed into a pool, vanilla candles, finishing a good book, hearing someone say your name, snapping and turning your hands into guns, eating a dry orange, hitting your hip on the oven door handle.
    • someone telling you "it's going to be okay", and actually believing them. meeting someone with the exact same sense of humour as you. the breathless smile on their face after you've surprised someone with a gift.
    • sunflowers, records, concert lights, ice cream, clear nights when you can see the stars
    • space, plaid, gradients, brand-new pens, snowflakes, coffee, dandelions
    • sucking in deep breaths of cold air
    • A hug when you really need one; warm rain in the summertime; espadrille sandals; an accidental nap; crowd-surfing; the first time wearing a brand new pair of shoes, anticipating the compliments.
    • open curtains, playing piano, the mysterious ocean, water rapids, coral reef, a ballet class
    • a content cat purring in your lap; laughing so hard your abs hurt; a perfectly-brewed cup of coffee; a smell that reminds you of home; when your panties and bra match perfectly; winning an argument and watching the other person sulk about it; inside jokes that make you smile even years later
    • 3 am, vodka & psychedelic music. lou reed, kurt cobain and karen carpenter’s haunting voice. they’re wonderland, a sinking ship, lazy afternoons and heavy eyelids, a mess of feelings and obsessions. they feel everything, and are often exhausted by social interaction. they run away from responsability, from life, from routine and obligations and reality. they’d rather not be here, and their escapism can manifest in many forms, through drugs and alcohol or creative expression. they are idealistic and awkward, romantic and mutable.
    • morning sex and skinny dipping
  • as a manic pixie dream girl: inserts shakespeare quotes into regular conversation
  • as rain: downpour. with no excuse, the day starts fading behind you, and those who would usually complain of the weather sit silent at their kitchen tables, watching you. you’re mesmerizing.
  • as an old person: sweet, soft-spoken lady who loves everyone and is extremely adorable
  • as an unexplainable emotion: Altschmerz (weariness with the same old issues that you’ve always had – the same boring flaws and anxieties that you’ve been gnawing on for years)
  • as an alien: Silver and sky blue aliens with sleek, shimmering bodies. They live on a planet that is entirely covered with a steaming liquid similar to water, but the steam condenses into a layer of purplish, cloud-like fluff that only this species of alien can live on. They speak in a musical tongue and are known to be extraordinary fortune tellers and clairvoyants
  • as a bee: a scared bee buddy who would never sting anyone and just wants to tell all the nice flowers good morning
  • as a fictitious ancient society: The oldest of all twelve nations, the realm of Pisces has slowly, over a period of thousands of years, sunk further and further beneath the placid crystalline waters of the ocean. Connected to the mainland by rickety wooden docks, the only way to successfully travel to Pisces is by diving individually into the network of jeweled underwater tunnels which act as Piscean roadways. Each tunnel belongs to an air pocket and a Piscean colony, where the traveler is always welcomed after their trying journey. Piscean society values the arts, and beautiful inventive music can be heard vibrating the walls of each cave due to the fantastic acoustics. They are an extremely spiritual society, with a vast collection of deities and mythical creatures thought to peaceably roam the oceanic depths of their domain. Understandably cut off from the rest of the world, they have no use for war or conflict, and prefer the dreamy solitude of their homes.
  • ingredients of: wishing well coins, second hand shoes, and endless empathy
  • as a teacher: teacher that gets so off task with their class; one minute they're talking about the Great Depression the next minute they're talking about why donuts have holes
jul 17 2015 ∞
aug 7 2016 +