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About me:
1. I'm a morning person
2. I enjoy eating, stand up comedy and long walks on the beach
3. I have never eaten bacon
4. I love my dog
5. I'm addicted to my blackberry
6. no i am not a biddy, i just like my blackberry a lot okay
7. I can kick your ass in a snowboarding race
8. I make really good pancakes
9. I'm from New York but I live in New Jersey
10. I make lists

listography NEW NEWS
  • The senior who is only taking this class to graduate
  • the underclassman who is really into the subject which no one else really cares about
  • the hipster who smells really bad and is very unfriendly
  • the girl who texts a lot, gets yelled at by the teacher, but is then really sneaky about it
  • the person who is really obviously stoned out of his/her mind
  • the teacher, duh.
  • the hot guy who girls are checking out
  • the hot girl who everyone is checking out
  • the person who is overly friendly and makes small talk with people about annoying small talk-y things like weather, the professor, bodily functions etc
  • that super awkward person that everyone notices

remember, one of these is probably YOU.

may 18 2011 ∞
may 18 2011 +