movies (to watch)
dec 17 2010
books (books i read in 2010)
dec 17 2010
movies (seen in 2010)
nov 30 2010
books (my reading list)
nov 30 2010
music (Ra Ra Riot's Summer Playlist)
nov 1 2010
to do (get over him)
oct 31 2010
quotes (quotes i collected in 2010)
oct 25 2010
books (my goal books)
aug 14 2010
health (yoga for my mouth)
jan 9 2010
about me (how to be kinder to myself)
jan 9 2010
about me (in 2010 i'll go to the spa more!)
aug 22 2010
to do (to do in 2009)
jan 6 2010
wishlist (what i want for my 26th birthday)
jan 6 2010
books (books i read in 2009)
jan 6 2010
movies (movies seen in 2009)
jan 6 2010
about me (things i'm waiting for in 2008)
jan 11 2009
books (shelf-stoppers)
jan 11 2009
to do (before i leave SMG)
jan 1 2009
to do (on free time)
jan 1 2009
to do (in 2008)
jan 1 2009
links (that inspire me)
jan 1 2009
movies (i watched in 2008)
jan 1 2009
books (read in 2008)
jan 1 2009