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We're a plural collective made of salt since 1994 (body age 30). Queer, partnered with the Rainies. We live in France.
Accepting of all system types and origins.
(Not very up to date, been too busy for this to be a priority. Planning on profiles in our neocities when we can!)

main = those of us who are active online || ongoing = things about us as a collective (incl. etiquette pointers)

listography NEW NEWS
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  • Absorbed into the Bee Conglomerate as of early 2021.

Past introduction:

  • Fronter (Sep. 2019 - present && 2012 - 2014ish)
    • He/him for convenience
    • [CLASSIFIED] (adult)
    • Every day's my birthday
    • Pansexual of complicated gender
  • Occasional fronter, highest-energy dude, brain-generated [DATA EXPUNGED], third-highest original content

friends? I can dig friends. no sand shovel needed. feed me the mathematics. also please read Lockhart's Lament it's very good. have you ever tried writing a profile from scratch?? terrible experience I rate it a 3/10

oct 3 2019 ∞
feb 21 2021 +