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We're a plural collective made of salt since 1994 (body age 30). Queer, partnered with the Rainies. We live in France.
Accepting of all system types and origins.
(Not very up to date, been too busy for this to be a priority. Planning on profiles in our neocities when we can!)

main = those of us who are active online || ongoing = things about us as a collective (incl. etiquette pointers)

listography NEW NEWS
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  • we used to have a fronting schedule, but that's on hold for now. our frequent fronter team cycles on a weekly-ish basis, with others occasionally popping in and out.


  • We differentiate between soft switches (passing control back and forth between people who are already fronting; usually at least two people at any given time) and hard switches (someone coming into or leaving front fully)
    • We can soft switch on command, but fronters mostly can't control who gets in and out of front.
    • that said we can usually "call" people to wake up in front if we prepare for it when we go to sleep (which generally gives them a good grip on front for most of the day)
  • fronters who aren't currently fronting, but awake and aware of front, are what we call the peanut gallery
  • current fronters + peanut gallery = the folks who are "around"/"awake"
  • fronters who aren't currently fronting or aware of front go into stasis (a shallower, much-shorter-term form of dormancy); they're "asleep".


  • they're awake practically all of the time, and they're usually broadly aware of front. still, they're not always perceptible from front and will rarely comment on what happens there, especially if fronters don't ask for their input.
  • they play a large part in keeping the system stable and functional:
    • they hold a "bird's eye" view of the system. fronters can't access it (or can't remember it while in front, functionally the same thing for us)
    • they do background maintenance, which mostly involves:
      • memory filtering and transfer
      • keeping an eye on Salts in stasis
      • overseeing the arrival of new members
    • they also hold a lot of (still not full) control over who gets in/out of front


  • once someone's here it's ride or go dormant. we can't leave this brain and don't do system travel / system hopping (that's us. if that's a practice you personally engage in, you do you&)


  • shouldn't matter!
jul 18 2018 ∞
nov 29 2023 +