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dec 4 2013
observations (endangered species)
feb 21 2012
notes (things worth waking up for)
feb 6 2012
books (boarding schools)
aug 18 2011
places (for when I go back)
aug 18 2011
longings (somedays)
jul 18 2011
seasons (summer)
dec 30 2010
things (of which I am highly suspicious)
dec 30 2010
favourites (bpal scents)
dec 1 2010
books (mice of renown)
nov 4 2010
nature (extinct flowers)
nov 4 2010
items (little birthday gifts)
oct 26 2010
films (cinema tickets 2010)
oct 23 2010
films (delights)
oct 17 2010
wishlist (possible)
oct 9 2010
people (gentlemen)
sep 20 2010
books (special ones)
sep 20 2010
seasons (spring)
sep 12 2010
items (my treasures)
sep 9 2010
favourites (childhood shows)
sep 9 2010
observations (fears)
sep 3 2010
observations (english things much missed)
aug 31 2010
music (lullabies)
aug 31 2010
observations (makes me sad)
aug 30 2010
observations (glittery things)
aug 26 2010
favourites (teas)
aug 25 2010
books (from the invisible library)
aug 24 2010
favourites (nebulae)
aug 24 2010
places (english towns and villages)
aug 21 2010
items (in my satchel)
aug 19 2010
nature (bioluminesence)
aug 18 2010
favourites (clouds)
aug 16 2010
books (esteemed lagomorphs)
aug 16 2010
people (noms de plume)
aug 15 2010
books (enchanted woods)
aug 15 2010
art (illustrators)
aug 12 2010
nature (favourite herbs)
aug 12 2010
books (lost girls)
aug 12 2010
wishlist (impossible)
aug 12 2010
observations (comforts)
aug 12 2010
nature (trees missed)
aug 12 2010
nature (flowers in love with)
aug 12 2010
places (castles)
aug 12 2010
places (london)
aug 12 2010
favourites (colours)
aug 12 2010
activities (crafts learnt)
aug 12 2010
books (bears of distinction)
aug 12 2010
seasons (winter)
aug 12 2010
history (diarists)
aug 12 2010
places (dream cities)
aug 12 2010
observations (of self)
aug 12 2010
history (letter writers)
aug 12 2010
nature (rosaceae)
aug 12 2010
observations (transparent things)
aug 12 2010
crushes (boys in books)
aug 12 2010
nature (owls)
aug 12 2010
history (shipwrecks)
aug 12 2010
observations (fragile things)
aug 12 2010
poetry (star fragments)
aug 12 2010
places (glaciers)
aug 12 2010
nature (poisonous plants and fungi)
aug 12 2010
favourites (sweets)
aug 12 2010