• face
    • exfoliate ?? a week
    • peeling mask (selar com cubos de gelo (depois de lavar)
      • 1 clara + 1 colher de farinha + 1 colher de mel
      • 5 aspirinas amassadas em pó + 1 colher de vinagre de maçã (orgânico) + 1 colher de chá de mel + 1/2 clara de ovo + 10 gotas óleo de rosa mosqueta
    • other maks
      • 1 spoon of bentonite clay 1 spoon of apple cider vinegar

Before you start prepping your skin for makeup, be sure to start with clean, dry skin. Using circular motions, gently rub your favorite cleanser into your skin to remove any impurities, dirt and oil.

STEP TWO: EXFOLIATE Think back to the last time you exfoliated your body: How amazing did your skin feel afterward? Just like the skin on the rest of your body, your face also needs to be exfoliated to remove any dead skin cells that may be clogging your pores. Dealing with dry skin? Exfoliating can also help alleviate dry patches that can lead to an uneven complexion or blotchiness.

Be warned: If you have sensitive skin, certain exfoliating formulas may be a bit harsh for you. Try doing a patch test on a small section of your skin to ensure you don’t have a reaction.

We recommend exfoliating your face right after cleansing. After rinsing your face, gently massage the exfoliator formula of your choice into your skin with your fingertips using gentle, circular motions. Then, rinse your face with lukewarm water.

STEP THREE: TONE Toner is an often-overlooked step in our everyday skin care routine, but it’s officially time to add it to your product lineup. Toner helps to calm and protect the skin while helping to prepare it for the most crucial step in your routine—moisturizing.

Not sure how to properly use a toner? Apply a small amount onto a cotton round and gently swipe the product all over your face and neck.

STEP FOUR: MOISTURIZE Next up on your pre-makeup to-do list is moisturizing. Apply a generous amount of hydrating serum to your entire face while your skin is still a little damp from the toner. This will help your skin to better absorb the product. Then, follow up with your favorite moisturizer.

Searching for the perfect moisturizing product? Try our Hydrating Oil. This nourishing face oil, formulated with a lightweight blend of Mediterranean botanical extracts, delivers hydration and antioxidants to the skin while leaving you with glowing skin and a radiant-looking complexion.

STEP FIVE: PRIME Cleansing, exfoliating, toning and moisturizing are important parts of your skin care routine—but when it comes to all-day makeup, applying primer may be the most essential step. Primer helps to create a smooth, even canvas on your skin and helps extend the longevity of your foundation, blush, bronzer and other face products.

When it comes to primer, there is no one-size-fits-all formula for every single skin type. If you want makeup that lasts from AM to PM, finding a primer formulated specifically for your skin type and concerns (and using it consistently) is a must.

Whether you’re going for a dewy or matte finish, choose a primer that will help you achieve your desired final look (we recommend using non-silicone-based primers). If you have skin that tends to get oily within a few hours, consider a mattifying primer that will help prevent your complexion from becoming greasy or shiny throughout the day. For the gals with dry skin out there, opt for a hydrating primer that helps you achieve a long-lasting, radiant finish.

STEP SIX: PREP YOUR LIPS Your face prep isn’t over quite yet—be sure to also show some love to your pout. Having dry lips can make your lipstick appear flaky or uneven, particularly if you opt for a classic matte or Liquid Lipstick formula. Before you apply your chosen shade, coat your lips with our Lip Primer. This colorless, lightweight primer hydrates, smooths and preps lips, creating the perfect canvas for any lip look.

  • rest of the body
    • dry wash before bath (read about it)
    • drenagem linfatica no banho
    • hidratar e proteger
aug 16 2021 ∞
jan 9 2022 +