• (♡) anime and mangas, my one and only called lee taemin, kim jongin, baggy t-shirts, chunky sweaters, french fries with mayo, pizza, sunsets and dawns, tumblr, glee, game of thrones, number 3, rain and rainy days, books, book stores, soft colors, fireworks, roller coasters, shampoos, beanies, makeup, concerts, gym, zumba, making people smile :), daydreaming, hugs, summer nights, winter mornings, big cities, city lights, traveling, woods, adam's apple, perfumes, shopping, clothes, brands, dancing, learning languages, christmas time, boys boys boys, fanfictions, hip hop, english, penguins, coffee, flowers, japan, korea, england and america
aug 23 2013 ∞
apr 29 2014 +