• In the scene in The Lord of the Rings' The Two Towers movie when Aragorn kicks a helmet and screams in anguish over the deaths of Merry and Pippin, Viggo Mortensen actually broke his toe on the helmet, and vented his pain into his acting rather than request medical assistance. Peter Jackson was so impressed by the anguish of the scene, he choose that take.
  • To prepare for his role as The Joker, Heath Ledger spent a month isolated in a hotel room with no contact from the outside world.
  • When making The Dark Knight soundtrack Hans Zimmer used actual weapons on the strings of instruments rather than bows and picks to give a degree of unsettling sincerity to the music.
  • When recording the songs from The Little Mermaid, Jodi Benson sang in the dark to simulate the feeling of being underwater.
feb 25 2012 ∞
feb 25 2012 +