- Escobar
- Los Bandidos
- Hirschgarten
- Megly´s
- Gemütliches Restaurant, Cafe und Bar in einem! Billige Preise!Angenehme Atmosphäre! Sehr sehr nette Bedienung
- Staffelseestr. 2
- Küche: Indisch
- CAST Café am Siegestor Café & Restaurant & Bar
- Leopoldstr. 28a | 80802 München
- Sonntags Jazz Brunch, Uhrzeit: 10 bis 16 Uhr
- EUR 9,90 pro Person, Getränke extra
- Sausalitos im Tal does an all you can eat mon-sat from 11am-3pm INCLUDING SELECTED BEERS (8,50)
- Rodewalds in Lothringer str. 10, Haidhausen (just off Rosenheimerplatz) has a really good all you can eat buffett as well on Tuesdays. Burger, mozzasticks, chicken wings, salads, the usual stuff but really good. good atmosphere as well. It costs i guess 7,50€.
- Bobolovsky's
- Monday evenings. All you can eat AND half price cocktails from 9pm. Bargain.
oct 28 2012 ∞
dec 28 2012 +