- Start working on your negative traits. We all have those traits, and they’re hard to face. But you’ll like yourself more if you can slowly work on these.
- Think a bit about who your ideal person is – then figure out the traits that you’ll need to work on – so you can start to change and become more like them.
- Look for role models who embody these traits. Notice what they do, and do not do. Try to mimic or adapt their attitudes and traits.
- Start where you are – there’s nothing wrong with that. You’re on a journey that is going to take some time. So forget about the past. Don’t let it hold you back. Move towards a different future and a new kind of “you”.
- Be a better sibling, partner or friend. Relationships matter and are crucial in this life. If you treat others well you will generally find that the majority of people will also treat you well.
- Accept other people for who and what they are. Choose to be kind and to think the best of them. Cut them some slack, and try and help them when you can.
- Be teachable. You need to be open to be taught and to learn if you’re going to change and to grow in your life.
- Be candid. Be real and honest – but do it in a way that is clearly non-judgmental and conveys respect.
- Be committed and conscientious. You can’t be a slacker, or unreliable, or only half-committed, and expect to go far.
- Be courageous. We all experience fear as we stretch our wings to fly. But to live a full life you must venture from the nest, and embrace adventure, and the new and different.
sep 16 2012 ∞
oct 15 2013 +