Zen to done (ZTD)
- focus on your habit change for 30 days, then move on to the next
- 10 habits
- ✔ collect habit
- ✔ process habit
- plan habit
- each week, list the Big Rocks and schedule them first
- each day 1-3 MITs (most important task)
- swallow the frogs as soon as possible
- ✔ do habit
- do one task at a time, without distractions
- ✔ simple trusted system habit
- keep simple lists (thanks, listography <3)
- ✔ organize habit
- a place for everything: sort right away
- review habit
- review your system and goals weekly
- simplify habit
- reduce your goals and tasks to essentials, simplify your commitments
- be sure that your projects and tasks line up with your yearly and life goals
- routine habit
- ✔ find your passion habit
- constantly seek things about which you're passionate
- be patient
- gradual life changes last further
- habit change methodology
- commitment
- practice
- motivation
- tracking
- support
- rewards
- focus
- positive thinking
- only have those commitments in your life that really give you joy and value
- focus on those big tasks, that will make a name for you, that will generate long-term income, that will give you lasting satisfaction and hapiness. Those are your Big Rocks. Eliminate the rest.
mar 6 2013 ∞
aug 4 2017 +