- March madness
- eat healthy
- ✔ eat healthier
- ✔ find out what and how to work out
- study
- ✔ research project
- Python
- ✔ philosophy
- ✔ German
- move
- ✔ get a new job
- write
- ✔ publication from your research project
- article about legislative theatre
- travel
- ✔ Zürich (Kaszás)
- ✔ Budapest (home)
- ✔ Amsterdam (class trip)
- go to conferences
- ✔ Interact
- ✔ theatre in education by Káva
- eat well
- ✔ cook more
- ✔ less alcohol
- less sweets
- ✔ dancing
- ✔ cardio
- lose some weight
- ✔ read 2 books a month
- new clothes!
- go out
- ✔ take more photos
- stop procastinating
mar 2 2013 ∞
may 27 2013 +