• "you still sleep in the bed with me, my jewelry and my baby teeth / perfectly able to hold my own hand but I still can’t kiss my own neck" — Civilian, Wye Oak
  • "I’m gonna get so drunk on you and kill your friends / you’ll need me and we can be obsessed and I can touch your hair and taste your skin, the ghosts won’t matter ‘cause we’ll hide in sin" — Vampire Smile, Kyla La Grange
  • "the fires are burning and you look the other way / I saw the funeral, I watch the devil as he dances around me but he dances with the fever and spreads the plague of war" — Dancing With The Devil, Wolf Gang
  • "I never loved, I still beg please help me / when I was a child I bred a whore in my heart, I gasp for - the devil into my spiracle" — Spiracle, Soap&Skin
  • "bloody your hands on a cactus tree, wipe it on your dress and send it to me" - Cactus, Pixies
mar 7 2012 ∞
jun 3 2016 +