• 140202 MBC-R 2 o'clock Date
    • 00:00" (...) You can talk while listening to the radio, right? And you can listen to good music too. It's killing two birds with one stone, isn't it? That's why I'm here to recommend a song for 2:00 Date listeners. I'm in the car often after completelying a whole day of schedules. At that time, I will listen to this song. When I listen to this song, I gain strength and I don't get sleepy too. That's why I'm able to go (travel around) enjoyably. The song that I want to recommend to the family members and listeners of 2:00 Date is 이적's 하늘을 달리다. Please receive a lot of luck in the new year, 2:00 Date's family. It has been EXO's Kai up until now. Please drive safely~ "


  • 140206 Happy Concert Season 2: Stop Bullying
    • 01:27" When witnessing a bullying case, why don't we protect instead of watching? "
    • 01:41" Trust your teachers! "


  • (+) 140206 EXO'S SHOWTIME


  • (+) 140213 EXO'S SHOWTIME


  • 140214 HTV Lantern Festival Celebration
    • 03:35" (官話) Hello everyone, I am Kai! I wish everyone will be able to reunite with their families. "


  • 140216 SBS Special Documentary
    • 01:21" During my trainee days, if there wasn't anything special, I just practiced all day. I practiced during Chuseok and even all throughout three day vacations. I would just eat and practice, eat and practice. I was the first to come in the morning and the last to leave. I don't think I ever saw anyone leave later than me during my trainee days. "
    • 02:12" You'll know when you see it, but in the beginning you organize all of the steps. Slowly, you work to make the moves pretty--You do the moves one by one like this. If you did it like this and your hand position looks weird, then you look at the mirror and do it correctly. When you finish doing this, you bring up the speed very slightly. You think about the feel of the dance. "
    • 03:04" You need a lot of leg power for this. For movements like this, you can't execute it cleanly unless you have leg power. If you think you're lacking in leg power, there's this thigh exercise. If I need to build more muscles here, I stand here and just repeatedly do this. "
    • 03:35" (My total practice time) might have probably been over 10,000 hours. I think it may have even been up to 20,000 hours? If you put in a 10,000 hours into a certain area, wouldn't you be able to at least accomplish your personal goals for it? "
    • 04:02
      • Taemin: We slept together in the practice rooms.
      • Kai: Yes.
      • Taemin: The friend who slept with me when I slept in the practice room is Jongin, Kai. You said that you were scared.
      • Kai: No, that's not it. I slept at the company for the first time that time. After practicing until 4 or 5 in the morning, I was trying to fall asleep in the vocal room but the alarm kept ringing. Don't you remember?
      • Taemin: No, I remember. I think we practiced a lot together as opposed to who did less.
      • Kai: That's right.
      • Taemin: Like I said before, because there was competition between the trainees we both worked hard not to lose.
      • Kai: For me, rather than thinking it was a competition...
      • Taemin: Why are you saying that when I just said it that way?!
      • Kai: I'm just saying how I felt! It was because I knew a lot less about the occupation of a singer than Taemin when I first came in. When I first came in, Taemin was too good at dancing. So rather than competition, I thought that I should learn a lot from Taemin. In reality, I did learn a lot from Taemin.
    • 05:26" We really played around like this a lot. Then when Taemin debuted first and I was left alone... At that time, peopled asked me a lot if I felt any jealousy or competition with Taemin because we're the same age, but he debuted first. As I said earlier, I was in the position of learning from him and I definitely thought that I wasn't ready to debut yet. When Taemin debuted, he came looking for me in the practice rooms when I was practicing alone. He asked me what this choreography was and learned from me. At that moment, I felt really happy. " "You felt happy over that?!" " Yes! I felt really happy! " "You felt happy?" " Yes! It was because-- " "But you acted like I was being tiresome!"
    • 06:15" Since I went from being in a learning position to a state where we could equally relate, I was happy to think that my skills increased to that level. Yes. "
    • 06:41
      • Taemin: Do the dance you did when you first came for evaluation.
      • Kai: Why would I dance that?!
      • Taemin: The one from our first meeting! Do it! I want to see it after a long time.
      • Kai: I only remember a little because it was so long ago. I was in 7th grade at that time.
    • 07:02 ‣ (Kai's 2007 S.M Youth Best Contest Audition Video)
    • 07:20" The time I first started dancing was around September in 2nd grade. I started with jazz, and then took ballet until I was in 6th grade. I wanted to dance other types of dance too, because when I watched TV, I saw other various singers doing fun styles of dance. I kept asking my dad where I could learn how to dance like that because I wanted to dance like that too. "
    • 08:09" At that time (showcase), I thought my heart was going to burst. (laughs) To be honest, when I do interviews like this, I get really embarrassed. Because... it's basically me confessing things I had been thinking to myself. So it's very embarrassing because it feels like other people are finding out my inner thoughts. "
    • 08:31" (At the showcase) I realized, 'Ah! The stage is this fun of a place.' "
    • 08:54 ‣ (asked about when people put time into things but get no results) " Because if you forget why you liked something, it becomes stressful. In order to not forget that, I kept asking myself, 'Why did I start this?' It was because I like dancing and singing. So I would regroup my thoughts and heart by thinking I started this because I like to dance and sing. "
feb 4 2014 ∞
apr 5 2014 +