• general
    • Mediterranean: middle
    • middle of three continents: Africa, Europe, Asia
    • converging of tectonic plates: Crete, earthquakes
    • huge area conducive to trade
  • Egypt
    • south of the mediterranean, north africa
    • what do you think of geographically when you think of egypt or africa?
    • Western Desert
      • what we think of when we think of egypt
      • sandy, barren, desolate
      • 2/3 of the land
      • cant really farm here
      • actually a little less of the land in ancient egypt
    • Nile river
      • longest river, 4,258 miles
      • floods yearly, provides minerals in silt, this dirt, that is great for farming
      • yearly, could count on it, made calendar to track it
      • sustainence, relied on it for food
    • duality: desert & lush land
      • see the idea of duality come up over and over in egyptian art
      • opposites, coexisting
      • death and life, connected with desert and river
      • comes as no surprise then, that most of the tombs are built in the western dessert, land of the dead
    • Egypt divided into two: more duality
      • upper and lower egypt
      • not where you'd expect
      • river flows south to north; up river = upper egypt
    • flora and fauna
      • these are plants and animals that will show up in egyptian art
      • also get a sense of what these people were surrounded by
      • papyrus; make paper, ever been to met museum; grows in marshy areas
      • lotus, also gows in water
      • two trees: acacia and date palm
      • egypt doesnt really have lots of trees, no thick trees that can supply a lot of wood
      • so they use mudbrick to create homes and things lke that; also imported trees and wood from other places
      • lots of different animals; scary animals; hippopotomas and crocodile; associated with the nile; life giving but also very dangerous; again, duality; see they used these forms to create their gods and mythical creatures
  • Crete
    • just north of egypt
    • southernmost part of europe
    • currently: part of the country of greece
    • no concept of "greece" in the bronze age
    • right at the meeting of two tectonic plates: eurasian and african plates; earthquakes; destructions in the bronze age
    • quite different than egypt
    • maybe 8 or 9 hours to drive from one side to the other
    • crete is mountainous; good farmland though
    • island; big maritime parts
    • live off of the water
    • lots of settlements all across crete, many in central and east
    • flora and fauna
      • two biggest exports are wine and olive oil; grow a lot of grapes and olives
      • crocuses and lilies all over the island, all over the art
      • tamarisk trees, cyprus trees as well
      • see goats and bulls all throughout the artwork
      • also lots of octopi and nautilus, cephalopod like an octopus or squid
    • unlike egypt, there was no flooding, no such concept of duality that we know of
    • good time to point out we odn't know a lot about the people of crete
    • even the name minoans, is something we gave them
  • writing
    • a bit of a shift
    • but since i mentioned we dont' know much about hte minoans
    • because we don't have their language deciphered, and they didnt keep many records
    • language is called Linear A, survives in clay tablets that were accidentally fired and survived
    • originally they were meant to be temporary; wet clay tablets that could be wiped and written on again; destructive fires they were fired and made permanent
    • know numbers, horizontal lines are numbers, a lot of times htey seem to be recording numbers of things
    • Egyptian
      • egyptian on the other hand, is deciphered
      • deciphered in the 18th century thanks to the discovery of the rosetta stone with Napoleon Bonaparte's conquest of Egypt
      • has egyptian hieroglyphs, later demotic script, and greek, which allowed Jean-Francois Champollion to translate the hieroglyphs
      • hieroglyph script probably have seen before
      • little pictures that represent sounds
      • sacred form of writing; only select people knew them
      • consonent sounds, no vowels; a lot of times you'll see names of people spelled differently, like the god Re or Ra, bc we don't know which vowels they used
      • this script was thought to be magical; come to life; so the owl here could become a real owl at any time; esp. in tombs where the realm of the living and dead was kind of blurred
      • sometimes you'd see snakes broken in half so that they couldn't come to life and hurt the viewer
      • pretty fun
dec 12 2017 ∞
jan 1 2018 +