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I'm 19 at the moment. I have an addiction to tea and vintage maps. I'm a nervous driver and I have a constant urge to write. I love felt-tipped pens and 1920's vaudeville blues. I am part romantic, part cynic. One day I'll be a war correspondent who goes to bed and dreams of being a traveling folk singer. But I will have no regrets.

  • Just stop it. You are incredibly beautiful, and you always fall for such dickheads. So again I say, Just Stop It.
  • Get over him already. He will never love you, even if you give him your body and what's left of your dignity. You're just going to get your heart broken again, and I'll be left to pick up the pieces.
  • You are the most incredible thing that has ever happened to me. If I ever do anything to hurt you, then I am the stupidest most ignorant girl in the world, because I will never find anything greater than this. What we are is beautiful <3
  • Alright, we get it. You love attention. Now can you stop being such a drama queen? Geeze.
  • I know it's wrong...but I have the biggest crush on you. I love how big your eyes are, and how you aren't stick skinny, and that you're SUCH a good writer!!! I love how you nod and how your voice sounds and how you manage to never be obnoxious. Someday, I want to be as incredible as you.
  • I'm sorry. I can be very dumb sometimes. Just know that I'll always love you.
  • No, I'm not sorry for that. It's my life and my body, and I can do with it as I so choose. I am in love, and it was the right time, and I will not go to hell for it. God loves me because of it.
  • I really wish I could talk to you about this. I'm scared, and it would be great if you could try to understand, but I know you can't.
  • If you touch me one more time, I will not only tell your girlfriend, but I will also make you bleed. You have been warned.
  • You're an idiot.
  • You're beautiful!!! One day, you will get out of that house, and find the man of your dreams. And he will love you like no one has ever loved before :)
  • I'm naming my child after you. Thank you for everything <3
  • I deserve better than that and you know it.
  • It gets really lonely sometimes. All I want is a kiss every now and again.
  • I believe in you.
nov 12 2010 ∞
nov 12 2010 +