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I'm 19 at the moment. I have an addiction to tea and vintage maps. I'm a nervous driver and I have a constant urge to write. I love felt-tipped pens and 1920's vaudeville blues. I am part romantic, part cynic. One day I'll be a war correspondent who goes to bed and dreams of being a traveling folk singer. But I will have no regrets.

  • the stupid dress code. we may not roll the sleeves of our white button downs up, or we will be written up. we may only wear a cardigan over our button downs between nov. 1 and march 1 (even though it is always freezing in the theater!)
  • the fact that i am always the one assigned to clean the stupid stupid stupid popper
  • when tween girls get out of a movie. they stand right next to the concession counter waiting for their rides and talk SOOO loud, sing to the radio music, and ask me stupid questions to show off to their stupid little friends.
  • when people order a hundred billion things. you're seeing a movie...not stocking a bomb shelter
  • when i am asked what type of popcorn seeds or oil or salt we use...who the hell cares
  • when people get popcorn oil everywhere...that stuff is so hard to clean up
  • when men hit on me while they're standing next to their wives
  • coworkers who are 25 and have a girlfriend...yet still ask me if i want to ride on their stupid motorcycle sometime
  • boys who i used to date who come in to see a movie with a new stupid girl who is much tanner than me
  • spilling soda on myself.
  • forgetting to give the customer something
mar 21 2011 ∞
mar 21 2011 +