• have to get 9+ hours of sleep or else I am OUT of it for the day.
  • have nightmares or vivid dreams every night - inception style
  • bedtime is usually around 2 am
  • usually have to take at least 1 nap each day. 30-1 hr (or more *nervously sweats*)
  • Used to have really bad insomnia each night, but now it only happens once or twice per week (unless I'm reallly, really stressed or have to get up early for something. Then I wake up every hour or so, or just lie in bed and can't go back to sleep).
  • Use rain sounds or ASMR to fall asleep most of the time. Or listen to quiet music to calm down.
  • I do look at screens before bed to listen to music/sounds, but I use the blue light filter.
  • I eat late at night but usually not right before bed
  • Nightmares are usually about running away from people with knives (eek!), not being able to move/walk, drowning,

Questions: How much REM sleep should I be getting at night? When I wake up I usually don't feel refreshed, is that normal? Is it normal to have to have 9+ hours of sleep to function?

Oh and I sleep like the dead, apparently making almost no sound, lying completely still, covered up with blanket over face. One time at a sleepover a friend couldn't hear me breathing & thought I was dead (but she fell asleep smh lol) I also don't drink coffee. Rarely drink caffeinated beverages. Sometimes it feels like the only thing that keeps me going is adrenaline from near-constant anxiety. "Oh you don't look tired, though?" (Me on the inside vibrating from anxiety) "...thanks"

My main, ever-present persisting problem: day time fatigue, and sometimes accompanied by dizziness. Like I'll do my best to say, do the dishes, or something else around the house, but I need a break really soon afterwards. Or if I'm making my bed I have to lie down for a while in small increment breaks just to get through it. It's exhausting.

jul 17 2020 ∞
aug 1 2020 +