• An extra game of the 'yes and no animal game' will be at the ready, with different animals
  • The rainbow game-every team gets a plastic bag and they have to find one thing for every color of the rainbow. Each thing can only count for one color
  • the spider game: everyone stands in a line at one end, and a spider stands in the middle. Everyone tries to get across. If the spider tags you, you become part of the web. That means that you try to tag everyone else, keeping one foot planted on the ground.
  • stranded on an island game: first person says "if I were stranded on an island I would hope to have ___" The word has to start with 'a'. The next person goes, saying the first's word, and one that starts with b. Game continues until someone forgets.
may 15 2010 ∞
jul 12 2010 +