• Monday-animal yes and no-didn't work well, tape didn't work; biddy biddy bop bop; the aninmal naming game-took too long;ships and sailors; drip drip drop. We also played Elizabeth's animal game. Allinall-fail
  • Tuesday-first we played the animal game to divide them into 4 teams, one team judged. we dumped a bunch of costumes, and they picked. Then we gave them a bunch of scenarios to choose from. Whichever one the judges liked best won.
  • Wednesday-a nature hike, most girls hated it. It was also a scavenger hunt. The last group got rained on, so we played down by the banks the TN way. Then it stopped raining so we played amoeba.
  • Thursday-nature nymphs- success!
  • Friday-blackberry picking, birdie on a perch, duct tape bracelets-success!
jul 12 2010 ∞
jul 12 2010 +