• broomstick crochet = a technique that utilizes a large dowel, broomstick, or knitting needle to create large loops that are incorporated into a lacy fabric. • bruges crochet = a technique imitating bobbin-made braid/tape laces. • bullion / roll stitch = a technique that creates a wrapped look or “bullion” around the stitch. • clones knot = a small knot made by making a chain, alternately wrapping the thread around the hook and chain, then drawing a loop through all loops on hook. A slip stitch is worked over the base of knot to close. • cro-hook/Crochenit/croknit = a variation of tunisian crochet that uses a double ended hook to create a double sided fabric. • cro-tatting/crochet = a cross between needle tatting and crochet, made with straight hooks like those used in bullion crochet. • filet crochet = a grid-like type of crocheted lace fabric which uses only two crochet stitches: the chain stitch and the double crochet stitch (or treble). • front/back post stitch = a stitch which is worked around the “post” of the stitch in the previous row, instead of into the top of the stitch like in a “normal” crochet stitch. • granny square = crochet square motifs (many possible variations). • hairpin crochet = a textile-making technique in which a lacy fabric is made by forming open, looped stitches with a crochet hook and a hairpin lace loom, a small handheld tool having two parallel metal prongs around which the loops are formed. • Irish crochet = a technique characterized by separately crocheted motifs later assembled into a mesh background, which usually employs several sizes of thread. Padded crochet, multiple thicknesses of thread (the thickest is used for the padding cord), and joining-while-basted are all typical. Please note that this is a traditional Irish technique and not all lacy or floral patterns will fit under this attribute. • lover’s knot/Solomon’s knot = a crochet technique in which a single crochet is worked into an elongated loop. Creates a mesh-like, open fabric. Please note that not all mesh/lacy fabrics will require this attribute. • Pineapple crochet/motif = a common traditional lacy motif resembling a pineapple in shape which can be worked alone or joined, or used as a design element in a crocheted lace item. Please note that this attribute refers to the pineapple motif and not pineapple stitch. • slip-stitch crochet = a method of crochet, often called Bosnian crochet, that uses only slip stitches. Please note that this is a specific technique and does not apply to all patterns that include slip stitches. • surface crochet = a method in which embellishments or designs are added by crocheting them onto/into the finished fabric. • tapestry crochet = a technique using multiple yarns, usually in different colors, that are carried across to create a motif; also referred to as mosaic, jacquard, intarsa, colorwork, fair-isle, or hard crochet. • Tunisian/afghan crochet = typically worked on a long hook with a stopper on the end; creates a fabric that looks almost woven instead of either knitted or crocheted. Also referred to as Afghan Crochet or Afghan Stitch.

jul 15 2010 ∞
aug 7 2010 +