• Welllll, I'm broke as fuhhhh. And I can't get into my bank account until late next week if at all. I have no gas in my car. My car has to go into the shop and that's 4000 dollars, plus like the 10000 I owe on the cars. So I'm 14000 in debt. I basically don't have a job. This guy I'm really close with [the one my bracelets for] is leaving again for Afghanistan and I'm afraid to hang out with him, because I'm with you but I don't wanna lie to you about it. And this whole bus thing is freaking me out cause I'm worried you guys aren't gonna be there when I get there. And I'm just stressed cause I'm broke and ughhhhh.
  • Why don't you ask like your family or something for some help? And why are you afraid to hang out with him because of me?
  • Because my family is the one I owe everything to. I'm sick of owing people money that I'm never gonna be able to pay off.. And because me and him have had a thing on and off since like 9th grade.And everytime we've ever hung out, I've been single or we've been together. I just don't know what it's like to be around him when I'm in a relationship. Like I could never do anything with anyone but you. But it's just. I don't even know if I wanna hang out with him, but he's leaving and I wanna see him.
  • Your family is supposed to be there for you. Can't you just be friends? It's not that hard. Do you think you're going to hook up with him or something?
  • I know they are, but I also owe my grandparents 14,000 dollars. And my mom can't just hand me money all the time anymore. WE've got 5 kid. And no, I would never do that to you.
  • Well, I'm sure they'd still be willing to help you. So why is it a problem. I don't understand.
  • I already talked to them, my mom and I just talked for like an hour just about everything and she she'd fill my tank and get me some stuff. .. And just because I don't want to be put in a position where something could happen. It's not fair to you.
  • So take it a little bit at a time. And what do you mean could happen? Do you think it will? Would it be that hard just to stop him?
  • I don't know. I've never been in the position that I had to stop him. But since I've been with you, there has been a time I've had to stop someone and I did.... but this kid and I have never had to stop anything because there was never any reason to.
  • I don't see why there should be a problem. Just stop him.
  • I'd just rather you know I'm hanging out with someone that I've been with instead of keeping it from you and fighting about it later.
  • As long as I can trust you won't do anything.
  • I'm your girl baby. You know that.
  • So I don't know what's wrong.
  • Nothing. Nevermind. I'm just trying to be honest with you.
  • I know. And I appreciate that. But it just sounds like you're not going to be able to stop him.
  • Alex Tabares. I don't make many promises when it comes to relationships, solely for the fact that they get broken and I usually suck at relationships to start with. But as much as we've gone through, it's worth it. So, I promise you, I will never do anything like that. I will never cheat on you.
  • Okay.
  • Nothing is going to happen. I promise.
  • I believe you.
  • Truly?
  • I do.
  • <3
  • Thanks.
  • I miss you, a lot.
  • I miss you too.
  • Swear you're not mad at me?
  • Yup.
  • Good. Cause I don't want to fight.
sep 4 2011 ∞
jan 17 2012 +