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22. Capricorn. Recently single. Learning to love myself for myself. Live.Love.Laugh. Harry Potter! Nature Lover.

Oh man, how crazy it is to go back and find a piece of your younger self on the internet
As I'm sure you can tell, some things never change.
I am now 28, in an open relationship with the ever so kind Joshua, who resides in Lake Charles, Louisiana. I am still very much ...

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  • Starting March 1st 2015 - My best friend<3 bought me "The Wisdom of Avalon" Oracle Cards by Colette Baron-Reid. I am forever in her debt
  • 3-1-15 Single Card Reading(SCR) TRUST- I must believe and trust in a higher power and have faith that the outcome will be what it should be. Remember who I am.
  • 3-2-15(SCR) PERCEPTION- Contemplate how I look at the world, am I viewing my present by projecting my past? I need to observe all angles with objective/neutral eyes. Look and wait.
  • Five Card Readings (FCR)
  • Current Situation
  • Expectations
  • Hidden Influences
  • Advice
  • Outcome
  • 3-2-15(FCR)THE DEER- Gentleness, Diplomacy, I need to step lightly and make sure my path is my own. PERCEPTION- I want to change how I look at myself and the world. FIRE FAIRY- Creative action, optimism, shows signs, signals and omens to support my dreams. All things come to light quickly with her. THE HORSE- I don't have to go it alone, don't be afraid to ask for help, it will come. THE COW- Nourishment, abundance. Ask to partake in infinite abundance and I will get exactly what I need.
  • 3-3-15(SCR) THE WATER FAIRY- Feelings/Emotions. I need to lose my rigidity, go with the flow. I am NOT my emotions, simply feeling them. Feelings are for manifesting, be sure I want to create what I'm feeling
  • 3-3-15(FCR) THE BARD- I need to find the pattern in my past. THE QUEEN- Self-esteem, Self-worth, time to set gentle boundaries for myself, take care of myself. MYSTERY- Be humble, have trust and faith, I am on the right path. HIGH PRIESTESS- Trust my Intuition, be discerning in all I do. THE RAVEN- Be aware of synchronicity in my life
  • 3-4-15(SCR) THE KING- I need to resolve past issues, act with authority. Perhaps I see myself as the King, now I have more authority in my own life.
  • 3-4-15(FCR) TRUTH- Demand truth from myself and others. MERLIN- Look to myself for answers. NOVICE- Be humble and teachable, always ask what lesson I can learn. New experiences are coming. THE GRAIL KNIGHT- I think I have to love myself first(Done!) FEAR- I am afraid of failure, I have to let go of my fears. Omen of transformation.
  • 3-5-15(SCR) THE HIGH PRIESTESS- Pay attention to my dreams, keep track of my intuitive hunches. Don't take the world so personally. Draw in truths that defy all I know, be discerning in all I do.
  • 3-5-15(FCR) WIND FAERY- I must change the way I think. HIGH PRIESTESS- I need to trust my intuition. LOVE- Show kindness and compassion to all. PARTNERSHIP- I'm never alone, there is always a partnership with the Divine. WASP- Be careful how I address the world else I may get stung, be on the defense
  • 3-10-15(SCR) THE WATER FAERY- Feelings and emotions. I feel this card is telling me to keep my feelings in check, as I am having fun flirting and all, I just don't want to get hurt or hurt him. I need to dial it back maybe?
  • 3-11-15(SCR) DEATH- A time of transformation, a total change of attitude, the death of the old...endings bring new beginnings. I feel I still have to let go of my old self, all my old bad/good memories, I have to let them "die" in order that I may move on to become a new, better me. I have to say goodbye.
  • 3-12-15(SCR) THE FROG- Releasing emotional baggage. Time to let go of anything that weighs heavily on my heart. This goes with mother and I talking about how quickly I got over Pierce. Maybe it is'nt over yet...
  • 3-13-15(SCR) THE WASP- Anger, Retaliation, Jealousy...Is someone jealous of me? I am not jealous of anybody...Or maybe i'm just to mind my own business...
  • 3-16-15 Harsh Truths Spread(6 Cards)
  • 1. What I Want to See/Believe

Perception: I Want to believe that I a changing how I see the world, I don't judge, maybe I need to be more objective and see how I fit in the world..

  • 2. What I Don't Want to See/Believe

Trust: I don't want to think that I have trust issues, but maybe I do. Maybe I do expect to be betrayed or hurt, Because I do tend to trust BLINDLY...

  • 3. What Is True

Restriction: I am in a prison of my own making, or at the mercy of that which is temporarily out of reach. I cannot move forward constructively right now. So be patient. Take this opportunity to rest, take stock of where I'm coming from and where I am. Ask "what am I not Seeing?" and "What needs repairing?"

  • 4. What I Want To Happen

Rebirth: Inspiration and new life! I want to be transformed, but the path will be painful, restrictive and never-ending. Align myself with the Mystery of Spirit. Prayer: Make me a channel for Divine creativity; use me as an instrument of a Higher Will.

  • 5. What I Don't Want to Happen

The Wasp: I Don't want to be a jealous, angry person who hurts others...

  • 6. What Will Happen

The Queen: Fertility, beauty, female sexual energy, earthly pleasures and friendships among women, the Queen summons me to bestow her gifts upon me so that I may revel in the beauty of life! <3 She reminds me of the importance of Self-esteem, self-worth and holding my head high. It's time to summon my inner queen and ask for what I need!Look after myself and nurture my friendships.

  • 3-18-15 Energy Spread 5 Cards
  • 1. State Of My Energy

The Merlin: So I guess my energy is balanced right now, and I have all I need to move forward, I just can't force it.

  • 2. Where to Focus my Energy

Trust: Do I have expectations of betrayal? Mmm, always I guess. I need to believe and trust in a higher power that all will be as it should be.

  • 3. Where to Focus my Energy

Hawk: Omens, messages. I need to be quiet and listen for what to do next.

  • 4. Where to Focus my Energy

Perception: Again, relax and listen. Am I still viewing the world through judgement and predjudice?

  • 5. Outcome

Raven: Be aware of synchronicity in my life

mar 9 2015 ∞
mar 19 2015 +