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  • Reading my text messages secretly behind the head of a man I was kissing outside Bar Open
  • When the above man asked for my number he got his phone out and I just stared at the screen. He finally said "This is where you say your number"
  • He called me immediately in order to give me his number, I looked at my phone and said "Who would be calling me now?" Hmmm blonde.
  • Being crash tackled onto the road by a random stranger
  • Punching the security dude at the pub in the arm every time he passed and still not getting thrown out. He eventually asked like a kid "Why are you punching me??" "For fun"
  • Bumping into B's brother unknowingly and then slowly working it out throughout the conversation. Admitting that I called his Rosella tattoo a Budgie. B's brother spontaneously launching on me for a hug while laughing hysterically.
jun 26 2010 ∞
jun 26 2010 +