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I believe in the Church of Baseball. I've tried all the major religions, and most of the minor ones. I've worshipped Buddha, Allah, Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, trees, mushrooms, and Isadora Duncan. I know things. For instance, there are 108 beads in a Catholic rosary and there are 108 stitches in a baseball. When I heard that, I gave Jesus a chance. But it just didn't work out between us. The Lord laid ...

Candice movies (films from the National Film Registry that I've seen)
listography GIVE MEMORIES
Stebbiino books (Books, Essays and Short Stories Read this Year (2025))
films (Films Watched this Year (2025))
music (Albums Listened to this Year (2024))
  • Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People...
    • Quite honestly i see right through your phoniness with me and I really truly wish you could just be straight forward with me
    • Contrary to what you believe I'm not jealous of you nor will I ever be so move on
    • Do not blame everything on me...sure I dont invite you everywhere I go but you dont invite me anywhere either and i dont throw a fit because i dont care. Its not a one way street
    • 4 words: GROW THE FUCK UP
    • I know your afraid of girls pretty much and very horribly shy but suck it up, be a man, and ask me out
    • Don't take me for granted because I'm not going to be around for ever
    • You are not the shit nor will you ever be little girl. i dont care that your awesome at your job and that I suck at myne. That does not make you better than me that just means youve been working longer o btw your a bitch
    • Why couldnt we just stay friends or at least why do you wanna be part of them so much. they don't like you. And quite frankly I'm not sure if I like the new you either
    • The more you talk about your weight the more I just wanna stab you through the phone
    • Move on, he doesn't love you, you deserve better, he's using you, you dated for 2 weeks, life will go on i promise
  • Nine things about myself -
    • My eyes are really incredibly blue if you ever take the time to notice
    • I can be incredibly quiet at times, it doesn't make me a bitch or mean that I don't like you, just that i'm quiet
    • I live in my own daydreams
    • I love history and if I could I would watch history channel all day
    • I'm lazy and I procrastinate
    • I am incredibly forgetful
    • I hate dancing with a passion, especially in front of others
    • I trip at least 3 times a day
    • I'm slightly antisocial and kinda judgemental (sorry)
  • Eight ways to win my heart
    • go on adventures with me
    • love me with all your heart
    • stand up for me when I try to make a point
    • be for the most part athletic or love baseball
    • understand and love my quirks
    • do not be judgemantal of my past choices
    • make me laugh
    • be willing to just under the sky and watch the clouds/stars
  • Seven things that cross my mind a lot
    • boys and why I dont have one
    • lost friends and ones I am in the processing of losing
    • If there really is a higher power
    • sex & alcohol & uw madison parties =]]
    • what i want out of life
    • dreading going to work
    • 173 more days (and counting)
  • Six things i do before i go to bed
    • wash my face
    • brush my teeth
    • change into sweats and a tee-shirt
    • bring my bedding into the family room
    • turn off the lights and press play on the dvd player for breakfast at tiffany's
    • say `night` to dad
  • Five people who mean a lot
    • Dad
    • Mom
    • grandparents
    • Britt
    • Allie
  • Four things you're wearing right now
    • jean shorts
    • white coral striped tee
    • tennis warm up jacket
    • blue friendship ring
  • Three songs that you listen to often
    • Crooked Teeth - DeathCab For Cutie
    • Acid Jazz Singer - The Fratellis
    • Romeo and Juliet - The Killers
  • Two things you want to do before you die
    • Enjoy life and remember to live in reality and not in my head
    • Fall in Love
  • One confession
    • I don't know who I am or what I want out of life but I do know i want to live life and to me that is enough for now
aug 22 2009 ∞
aug 22 2009 +