- Friday
- wake up at 530
- showered and ready to leave by 630
- leave at 7
- stop in a random ass town around noon
- scenery pics
- stop in ironwood for gas
- creepiest gas station ever
- buy alcohol
- go back to the dorms around 4ish
- start drinking (BP and kings cup)
- drunken man sex with tony sailor man
- Saturday
- wake up
- shower and clean up
- go to mcdonalds for breakfast with Tony, Devin, Eric
- then drive up the porcupine mts, to the graveyard, and animal searching
- go back to the dorms and start drinking
- we go up the boys rooms and smoke the vaporizer and the turtle
- race to little caesars while drinking daquris
- go back to the dorms and eat and smoke more
- go to crack apartment and drink and smoke (two-hitter)
- Brian <3
- back to the dorms by 10
- BP
- walmart
- drawing on tony
- dead rising and the scary prom movie on mtw
- "you wanna cuddle?"
- Sunday
- leave by 1030
- drive back hungover
- Fazzolis :)
- go to chris' and get broken up with
Side not: November 3, 2010 rip Devin Mariacher
dec 27 2010 ∞
dec 27 2010 +