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I believe in the Church of Baseball. I've tried all the major religions, and most of the minor ones. I've worshipped Buddha, Allah, Brahma, Vishnu, Siva, trees, mushrooms, and Isadora Duncan. I know things. For instance, there are 108 beads in a Catholic rosary and there are 108 stitches in a baseball. When I heard that, I gave Jesus a chance. But it just didn't work out between us. The Lord laid ...

Candice movies (films from the National Film Registry that I've seen)
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Stebbiino films (Films Watched this Year (2024))
books (Books, Essays and Short Stories Read this Year (2024))
notes (Albums Listened to this Year (2024))
  • I hate feeling like I belong to somebody
  • I can't stand having to check in with people
  • you can't be obnoxiously impressionable
  • or a tool
  • do not force your beliefs on me
  • do not look down upon me for not being overtly book smart in the areas of math and science
  • do not mistake me for week
  • yes I'm a klutz
  • that does not give you the right to call me skank though
  • since when does tripping over nothing classify somebody as easy
  • I'm not a cheap drunk
  • Be happy just to be with me
  • Be open to my movies
  • Yes i'm slightly well actually really air headed
  • But that does not make me stupid and i will forever resent you if you call me stupid
  • i'm a hypocrite get used to it
  • please go out and get some sunlight every once in awhile
  • Do not waste your life playing pointless video games in your mothers basement
  • surprise me
  • say I love You and mean
  • Do not assume that because i wont dat you that I'm open to a FWB relationship
  • i want emotional (yes i'm a fan of sexual...a big fan) but to me an emotional connection is more important
  • i will not date just to date
  • to me that screams insecurity and kinda makes me feel bad for that couple
  • If you dont love somebody move on and find somebody you do love
  • Boy you better like baseball
  • and not be sad when i beat you in pool
aug 5 2009 ∞
aug 5 2009 +