• assigned female at birth.
  • never felt "feminine enough" to be a girl/woman all throughout childhood, adolescence, and into my early 20s.
  • in my early 20s, I found out there were words/terms for what I was feeling, and that was gender dysphoria and that I might be nonbinary.
  • used demigirl as a label for a little bit.
  • then decided when I was 24/25 to simply use the nonbinary term as an umbrella. I'm not female and I'm not male.
  • I currently use the terms agender, gendervoid, and transneutral as well as lunarian & stellarian, daimogender and devilgender to describe my gender identity.

I don't question my gender much or ever at all. I know that I am neither male nor female, nor even necessarily anything specific in-between. I do at least sometimes use certain words for my nonbinary-ness, but at the core I am simply that. Nonbinary.

oct 21 2022 ∞
sep 13 2023 +