- Private General Practice Services - Leicester
- don't have to de-register from NHS
- registration - free
- GP appointment (15 minutes) - £70.00-£90.00
- GP appointment (30 minutes) - £130.00-£160.00
- GP appointment (45 minutes) - £190.00-£230.00
- private prescription - £15.00
- specialist referral letter - £30.00-£50.00 (for active B12 test?)
- vitamin B12 injections - £40.00
- train tickets to Leicester, 2 adults, rough estimate - £150.00
- George Eliot Medical Centre - Coventry
- consultation (10 minutes) - £75.00
- consultation (20 minutes) - £150.00
- private prescription - £20.00
- vitamin B12 injections - £50.00
- train tickets to Coventry, 2 adults, rough estimate - £86.00
- Prestige GP - Chester
- registration - £30.00
- consultation (20 minutes) - £70.00
- consultation (long) - £120.00
- private prescription - free with consultation or £20.00
- specialist referral letter - £20.00
- vitamin B12 injections - £50.00
- train tickets to Chester, 2 adults, rough estimate - £110.00
mar 16 2013 ∞
apr 7 2016 +