• almandine garnet - regenerative healing, physical strength, inspiration during periods of personal solitude
  • angel wing anhydrite - get rid of pains, sickness and worry, acceptance, strength and support for what tomorrow may bring
  • aragonite - dispels stress and anxiety, improves intuition and psychic abilities
  • atlantisite - protect well-being, provide deep peace, treat exhaustion
  • charoite - interpret dreams, helps to maintain disposition and humour in trying times
  • chrysoberyl - guardian of physical and emotional health, helps with forgiveness, augments the healing properties of other crystals
  • chrysocolla - easing fear, dispels pain, sickness and worry, augments energy when you are not at your best, re-energises the whole body, opens psychic vision, helps you cope with multiple responsibilities
  • citrine - energising, encourages the fullness of life and fresh beginnings
  • deschutes jasper - promotes feelings of happiness, safety and security, can awaken a new joy in your life
  • dipotase - help to grow physically stronger, provides release from damaging emotional patterns
  • eye agate - help to find a new path, find the inner meanings of events
  • red amethyst - cure apathy, help to get things done by boosting inner strength, builds fearlessness, fosters action, promotes productivity
  • stitchite - help to find a new path, interpreting dreams
  • unakite - recover from emotional trauma, brings fertility, strength and stamina, soothes emotions, quiets fears, increases mental toughness
  • violet fluorite - promotes peaceful relaxing sleep, activates the nourishing energies of the body, dissipates disorders
  • zincite - help to find a new path, cure apathy
  • sunrise quartz - brings hope & comfort in pain, helps you to fond zest & energy
  • red quartz - aids physical energy, gives you energy to overcome lethargy, cures apathy
  • cat's eye scapolite - helps you to see the glass as half full, lifts your spirits, helps you to find independence, helps you to make positive changes in your life
  • septarian - healing, removes stress and anxiety, helps you to maintain calmness in periods of extra responsibility and stress
  • cat's eye sillimanite - rids wearer of pain and unpleasant feelings, removes sources of anxiety, helps you to relax and enjoy life
  • red spinel - overcomes feelings of stress, helps issues associated with bones, muscles and joints, reduces physical inflammation
oct 21 2013 ∞
oct 25 2013 +