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Hi, I'm Ams.
* Eighteen.
* Girl.
* Bisexual/Taken (Sarah<3).

I'm extremely blunt when it comes to talking about myself.
Listography gives me a sense of stability. A feeling of calmness, when everything else in my life is chaotic. I live for stuff like that.
I've started a new one for 2010 (and the majority of December 2009). I'll probably do this every year. I'm another one of those peop...

listography NEW NEWS
encre hobbies (keeping track)
caitlin movies (first time, 2025)
movies (watched in 2025)
Saku movies (2024 List of Movies and Shows)
  • My initials are AMS. People call me Ams. Or Amsyy.
  • I'll be eighteen on March 13 2010.
  • I'm a pansexual lesbian.
    • Basically what that means is, I like girls a whole lot, but if you're a nice enough boy I could fall in love with you anyway, somehow not holding it against you that you have a penis.
  • I love PostSecret. I can relate it to anything.
  • I was a vegetarian for over 3 years.
  • I love hugs. A LOT!
  • I'M A FREAKING WEIRDO. And I love it.
  • Everything I think about goes into these categories: [Things I should]
    • say out loud
    • keep to myself
    • make into a PostSecret
    • submit to F My Life
    • submit to Gives Me Hope
    • submit to My Life Is Average
  • I'm convinced that there really is a Hogwarts out there somewhere, or at least a wizarding school - and that a bunch of people around me are magical
  • I don't think the world is going to end in 2012, but if it does, it'll be because of Death Eaters
  • I watch almost every DVD I see with subtitles on - I like to make sure I'm hearing the right thing, because my mind tends to twist things
  • I hate cheesecake. HATE IT. I find it revolting.
  • To me, stupid almost always = funny.
  • Josh Groban is my favorite.
    • He seems like an absolute sweetheart and his voice is amazing.
  • When I was around 6 years old, I devised an evil plan to get Nick Carter (Backstreet Boys) to break up with his girlfriend so I could get with him. Now, I'm frightened that I was so devious.
  • I like to sit around in my pajamas and read kid books with a stuffed animal.
  • I'm extremely chaotic.
  • I'm not careful enough a lot of the time.
  • I refuse to talk about getting my license. I want to but my mom wouldn't teach me and it makes me mad that some rich stuck-up 15 year olds already have cars.
  • I have trichophobia - I HATE unattached hair. I feel like it's going to eat me, or something.
dec 18 2009 ∞
mar 1 2010 +