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Hi, I'm Ams.
* Eighteen.
* Girl.
* Bisexual/Taken (Sarah<3).

I'm extremely blunt when it comes to talking about myself.
Listography gives me a sense of stability. A feeling of calmness, when everything else in my life is chaotic. I live for stuff like that.
I've started a new one for 2010 (and the majority of December 2009). I'll probably do this every year. I'm another one of those peop...

listography NEW NEWS
encre hobbies (keeping track)
caitlin books (read in 2025)
movies (watched in 2025)
Saku movies (2024 List of Movies and Shows)

This is going to be kind of blunt.


  • times I've full on broken a bone
  • times I've had chicken pox
  • times I've had lice


  • relationships I will have at any given time (that or none)
  • times I've fractured a bone
  • times I've attempted suicide
  • tattoos I have


  • people close to me I've had die
  • countries I've been to
  • psych wards I've been to
  • group homes I've been to


  • kids I want to have
  • my favorite number
  • dogs I've had (in all)


  • states I've been to
  • times I've sprained something (wrist/ankle)
  • facial piercings I've had (for more than a week)


  • cats I've had (in all)


  • the date of the month I was born on (Friday!)
  • my second favorite number


  • largest number of mice I've had at one time (breeding!)
  • age I lost my virginity


  • books that I've read
  • times I've been hugged
  • concerts I've been to
  • scars I have
  • times I've cut
  • extremely helpful epiphanies I've had
feb 22 2010 ∞
mar 20 2010 +