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Hi, I'm Ams.
* Eighteen.
* Girl.
* Bisexual/Taken (Sarah<3).

I'm extremely blunt when it comes to talking about myself.
Listography gives me a sense of stability. A feeling of calmness, when everything else in my life is chaotic. I live for stuff like that.
I've started a new one for 2010 (and the majority of December 2009). I'll probably do this every year. I'm another one of those peop...

encre music (concerts)
caitlin movies (watched in 2025)
books (read in 2025)
movies (first time, 2025)
Saku movies (2024 List of Movies and Shows)

I have to plan for the future. This is one of the most solid plans I have. If it doesn't work out, well... I don't know then. Pros:

  • It doesn't cost anything. IT'S FREE. ALL OF IT.
  • Job training. (see con #1, though pro #3 might overshadow this)
  • GED/High School Diploma possibilities ("One of our top goals at Treasure Island Job Corps is to ensure that every qualified student obtains his or her GED/high school diploma prior to leaving the center.")
  • Bi-weekly living and clothing allowance - something that I don't get at home.
  • A place to live, food to eat. Freaking SHELTER. That's a big one, of course.
  • DRIVERS ED. 'Nuff said.
  • Apparently Treasure Island rocks. And I've always wanted to live in San Francisco. Also, just having been there, the view is BEAUTIFUL. You can see the ocean, and in the ocean, you can see the Bay Bridge, the skyline, the Golden Gate AND Alcatraz!!!
  • They have a gym. A REAL GYM. And a pool! So that all you can eat cafeteria (another pro) won't keep me fat! xD


  • No training for educational jobs i.e. teaching - I want to be a teacher.
  • I may have to choose to train for a job that I don't want, only three of which I'd even consider. (Certified Medical Assistant, Culinary Arts (Basic & Advanced), Office Assistant (which would be boring, but I would be good at))
  • Uniforms - bleck. I think that's only during the day, when you're doing stuff, though.
    • Only when you're training, for safety and identification purposes and such. Which makes sense - you'd need to wear one during the job, anyway.
  • Not being able to leave during the day? Or over the weekend? This is probably not true at all, but because I'm not sure yet it's still a con.
    • Can leave over the weekend. For sleepovers, in fact, also.
  • Not being able to bring a computer at the risk of it getting stolen. Will there be computers for me to use? Speaking of which, is there a LIBRARY close by!? I need internet, dude.
    • Computer lab available. Still not clear on the library thing, or the phone situation.
  • Family can visit, but I don't think friend's can. That's unfair... I'd have to go out to see them. Not like that's much different from how it is now, but still.
    • Friends can visit, but only in the dorm lounge. I'm still unclear on whether or not my mom would have to bring them... I'm better off just going out to see them.
feb 26 2010 ∞
mar 31 2010 +