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Hi, I'm Ams.
* Eighteen.
* Girl.
* Bisexual/Taken (Sarah<3).

I'm extremely blunt when it comes to talking about myself.
Listography gives me a sense of stability. A feeling of calmness, when everything else in my life is chaotic. I live for stuff like that.
I've started a new one for 2010 (and the majority of December 2009). I'll probably do this every year. I'm another one of those peop...

encre music (concerts)
caitlin movies (watched in 2025)
books (read in 2025)
movies (first time, 2025)
Saku movies (2024 List of Movies and Shows)
list icon

Your opinions on...

  • Twilight - I won't even go into everything that's wrong with those books. It would take me forever. This really isn't an important one, but, it really shows your taste.
  • Gays - GOD'S LOVE KNOWS NO BOUNDS. SO STOP IT WITH YOUR BIGOTRY AND IGNORANCE, DAMMIT. Stop reading into things that aren't even there!
  • Politics - Mostly, you just can't be a stuck up idiotic douche.
    • Give me a little time to revise this, k?
  • Pageants - Of any kind, but mostly of the child persuasion. Those things are sick. I mean, they're ALL freaking stupid, pointless, and self-esteem killing, but subjecting a child to that bullshit and teaching them it's a good thing? That's just wrong. Especially when they're only a few months old.
  • Hunting - That's just fucked up. I don't care if you're using the whole animal. That's God damned animal abuse.
  • Vegetarianism - I don't know if it makes a difference. I honestly don't know. But what I do know is I feel better when I'm not eating an animal that died just for us to have a few minutes of pleasure. There's plenty else to eat. You don't have to be one, you just have to understand why I like to be.
  • Spelling - Or at least grammar, and your/you're / their/they're/there. And how you ATTEMPT to write. I don't care if you can't spell, if you purposely don't even attempt to write properly most of the time, it pisses me off.

There's plenty more, but I can't think of it at the moment.

apr 8 2010 ∞
sep 8 2010 +