How they sound/How they're spelled (and why):
- revolting [ri-vohl-ting] - disgusting; repulsive.
- Well... gross things are gross? I like gore, but not if it repulses me. xD
- chauvinistic [shoh-vuh-niz-uhm] - zealous and aggressive patriotism or blind enthusiasm for military glory.
- twit [twĭt] - a foolishly annoying person.
- twat
- vagina.
- That's kind of disrespectful.
- bourgeois [boor-zhwah] - middle class.
- I just don't think there should be a word for it.
That AND what they mean (and why):
- banana - well duh. It's a freaking banana. If you don't know what that is, how are you using the internet?
- nary - [nair-ee] (adjective) Older Use not any; no; never a: nary a sound.
- defenestrate - (dē-fěn'ĭ-strāt') To throw through or out of a window (THANK YOU ILAN)
- That meaning just kicks ass, dude. I never knew there was a word for that.
- parakeet [par-uh-keet] - any of numerous small, slender parrots, usually having a long, pointed, graduated tail, often kept as pets and noted for the ability to mimic speech: several species are endangered.
- vanilla [vuh-nil-uh] - a sweet smelling herb.
- One of my favorite scents.
- conscious - [kon-shuhs] aware of one's own existence, sensations, thoughts, surroundings, etc.
- Being conscious is nice, to say the least.
- shenanigans shuh-nan-i-gihn] - mischief; prankishness
- idiosyncrasy [id-ee-uh-sin-kruh-see] - a characteristic, habit, mannerism, or the like, that is peculiar to an individual.
- The things that set us apart.
- flutter [fluht-er] - to wave, flap, or toss about.
- Fluttering or flitting things are beautiful, most of the time.
- item [ahy-tuhm] - a separate article or particular.
- Items are... cool? I'm far, FAR from materialistic, though.
- bell
- a hollow instrument of cast metal, typically cup-shaped with a flaring mouth, suspended from the vertex and rung by the strokes of a clapper, hammer, or the like.
- I love the sound of bells.
- caress [kuh-ress] - an act or gesture expressing affection, as an embrace or kiss, esp. a light stroking or touching.
- Being caressed is like silently saying I love you, whether it's brotherly, motherly, or sexually.
- essence [ess-inss] - something that exists, esp. a spiritual or immaterial entity.
- indulge [in-duhlj] - to yield to, satisfy, or gratify (desires, feelings, etc.)
- Being indulged is always nice. xD
- breeze
- a wind or current of air, esp. a light or moderate one.
- Breezes usually feel AWESOME, especially cool ones on hot summer days.