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Hi, I'm Ams.
* Eighteen.
* Girl.
* Bisexual/Taken (Sarah<3).

I'm extremely blunt when it comes to talking about myself.
Listography gives me a sense of stability. A feeling of calmness, when everything else in my life is chaotic. I live for stuff like that.
I've started a new one for 2010 (and the majority of December 2009). I'll probably do this every year. I'm another one of those peop...

encre music (concerts)
caitlin movies (watched in 2025)
books (read in 2025)
movies (first time, 2025)
Saku movies (2024 List of Movies and Shows)

Kerri told me that she'd put me on a disaster date. This is what would make it so. All of this, exaggerated. Except I'm with someone, so this'll probably never happen. Both

  • Likes Twilight
  • Too possessive on the first date
  • Smells bad
  • Too mature at the wrong times
    • Too immature at the wrong times
  • Creepy
  • Doesn't pronounce things right, and doesn't even try to write correctly
  • Doesn't pay attention to the date at hand, or just plain doesn't listen

Specific to girls:

  • Cheerleader
  • Way too skinny

Specific to guys:

  • Jock
  • Way too fat
apr 15 2010 ∞
apr 21 2010 +