• What is the essence of my inner shadow self? - five of cups
    • grief, disappointment, loss, regret, despair, failure, pessimism, stuck in the past
    • advice:
      • set yourself a time limit for your self-pity and then pull yourself together and move on
      • negative emotions are holding you back from your fullest potential โ€“ release them so you can move on and create positive change
      • forgive yourself and others, hindsight is much clearer than foresight - wisdom in the present moment comes from the mistakes of the past
      • focus on what can go right from this point onwards
  • What can I learn from my shadow self? - the hermit
    • solitude, meditation, soul-searching, inner guidance, introspection
    • advice:
      • focus on inner realm, become more self-aware, meditate and take time for yourself
      • draw your energy and attention inward and find the answers you seek, deep within your soul
      • now is the perfect time to go on a weekend retreat or sacred pilgrimage, anything in which you can contemplate your motivations, personal values and principles, and get closer to your authentic self
      • retreat into your private world and experience a deep sense of seclusion and introspection - you know that you need to take this journey alone
      • the hermit also represents the desire to turn away from a consumerist or materialistic society to focus on your inner world
  • How can I bring my shadow self into the light? - seven of wands
    • courage, inner strength, challenge, perserverance
    • advice:
      • you wont find any strength or support from others, only yourself
      • stand up for your beliefs, your internal fire will guide the way
      • keep fighting for what you believe in and confront those who may oppose or threaten you
      • map out any potential threats or risks before moving ahead with your plans
      • establish clear boundaries and then protect them so that others do not mess with you
  • What lights me up from within? - the high priestess
    • mystery, subconscious mind, higher power, intuition, spiritual enlightenment, inner illumination, divine knowledge and wisdom
    • the vast world of intuition, dreams and mystery
    • advice:
      • listen more closely to the voice within, look past the obvious, acknowledge the shadows
      • you have the opportunity to access the knowledge deep within your soul - be still so you can tune in to your intuition
      • allow the High Priestess to become your guide as you venture deep into your subconscious mind and access this inner wisdom
  • What new seeds am I planting? - father of cups (reversed)
    • self-compassion, inner feelings, moodiness, emotionally manipulative
      • you are focusing your attention on your innermost feelings, ou are discovering the emotions stored in your subconscious mind and how these emotions affect you - through this work, you hope to gain a stronger sense of control over your emotional well-being
      • When the reversed King of Cups appears in your spread, you may be more prone to emotional upset and drama. Others may trigger you or push your buttons HARD, even to where you worry you might lose it and throw an emotional tantrum. You may feel moody, depressed, anxious and unpredictable. You may also lack in self-compassion, beating yourself up over small things that have gone wrong. If this resonates, seek to understand the root cause of your emotions and bring your conscious awareness to the impact they are having on your life. Pay attention to your emotional balance and find your place of calm and compassion. Other people may trigger these emotional responses in you, but itโ€™s up to you to stay in control! The reversed King of Cups could show that you are repressing your emotions and withdrawing from the outside world because you fear what may happen if you were to confront your feelings head-on. Your feelings are bottling up inside you, and you are at risk of an emotional outburst if the pressure gets too much. If this resonates, consider finding a therapist to help you to work through your feelings in a safe environment.
  • What do I need to release in order to create space for growth? - nine of pentacles
    • over-investment in work, hustling, self-worth
      • you may be under-charging for your services, working for free or accepting a lower salary than you should - know that you deserve to be wealthy in all facets of the word
      • increase your self-worth - invest in yourself (wardrobe, makeover, skills, personal development), practice self-love, indulge in life's luxuries
      • the reversed Nine of Pentacles can appear when you are so busy working and hustling that you have no time or energy to enjoy the fruits of your labour
      • now may be a good time to retreat to a natural setting (a forest, beach, mountain or lake) to restore your energies and rejuvenate yourself
      • it is vital that you focus on what is most important to you
dec 22 2020 ∞
feb 4 2021 +