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“I have fallen in love with you, and there is no future for us. That you burst into my life suddenly only a short time ago. That it's too fast, too soon, and you will leave the same way you came into my life. I'll turn around one day and you'll be gone.”

listography NEW NEWS
pie TELEVISION (2025)
UPPUZ FANFICS (taehyun x beomgyu (txt))

im gross im cheesy :---) pienosuke xx xxx xx ((inserts pie's real name)) don't read it you're not allowed.

  • no im not gonna write about my precious byuntae ot3 #chocopiemia no im not bc we have this: the story of the golden trio/ charlie's .... i just want to say i love you 2 so much. thanks for always staying by my side, cheering me up when i feel down. thanks for giving me love and care and all. let's make pie's list about us longer and longer and longer and longer and longerrrrr. btw i know you 2 are byuntae/ biantai it's ok i can accept it bc of love.
  • ommars ommars we are ommars. i always want to thank infinite, because without infinite, i wouldn't have known you 2. i want to thank myself too hehe, bc if i didnt choose to be a fangirl, i wouldn't have you 2 in my boring and hopeless life. you guys made the choco that everyone knows today. you guys changed me. i'm really thankful. we rarely talk to each others these day, i'm really sad :'( i miss talking with y...
sep 20 2012 ∞
sep 23 2012 +
  • my real name is anh , thuy anh but i feel like only my teachers call me so. friends usually call me choco or lee .
  • i'm a typical gemini , talkative, easily fall in love and easily change my mood.
  • i love my mom and my dad but i don't love my family tbh. i also don't want to have my own family.
  • i love food . i can die for matcha flavored things , instant noodles , french fries , grilled food , pasta and pizza . and don't forget coke .
  • i don't really like fruits. i only love mango , water melon , banana , apple and pine apple .
  • i love pets esp cats. i call cats my sons. and i can't live without them.
  • i like kpop and i like many groups/ people. my ultimate biases are 2pm and beast doojoon. i'm a die-hard shipper of beast 2jun and b.a.p banghim. i'm very over-protected when it comes to my otps and biases.
  • i love watching jdramas. my fav j-actors are yamada ryosuke, yamap, haruma miura and sato takeru, fav j-actresses are toda erika and aoi yuu. but i love kdramas too...
sep 18 2012 ∞
sep 18 2012 +
  • prepare for literature class
    • tay tien - quang dung
sep 21 2012 ∞
sep 23 2012 +

(♥ groups)

(♥ boys)

(♥ girls)

sep 18 2012 ∞
sep 18 2012 +