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Peculiar epiphanies on this particular evening;
One pensive penguin and a thousand more bleeding;
Whilst words work wonders inside of my head;
The invisible other - she leaves me for dead.
So dying I do what others have said;
And try to remember,
Try to forget.

lisa I LOVE
music (memories)
autobio (my epitaphs)
  • We had a gig - and all the other guys left early so I scored the whole rider. Sweet.
  • Got into the Zoo for free 'cause Eddy was doing sound there - got to stand up on stage and watch Thirsty Merc, who, I've decided, actually are a fairly decent band.
  • Got to pretend like I was an important person in front of the sell out crowd of screaming girls.
  • $2 scotches cause Bridgette was behind the bar and she likes me.
  • Interesting conversation at Rics about what it means to be a musician.
  • Ran into Parslow, who then proceeded to shout me drinks because a.) he was drunk, and b.) he was impressed that I have finally quit the fucking cinemas.
  • The main reason why last night rocked was simply because it will probably be the last time I can do that kind of shit and get away with it on a week night. Hello full time employment! I'm excited.
mar 29 2007 ∞
mar 29 2007 +