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character name (role in team)

trace leveling priority

(typically) basic attack unnecessary

  • #pc relic set
    • body | main stat
    • feet | main stat
  • ornament set
    • planar sphere | main stat
    • link rope | main stat
  • sub stats
    • most important, least important
  • recommended stat values
    • and extra information if needed
  • light cone
    • temporary: temporary lc option | it's stat
    • future perm: signature lc


dr. ratio (dps)

talent > ultimate + skill

basic attack unnecessary

  • 4pc pioneer diver
    • body | crit rate/dmg
    • feet | spd or atk%
  • inert salsatto
    • planar sphere | imaginary dmg
    • link rope | atk%
  • sub stats
    • crit dmg/rate, atk% + spd
  • recommended stat values
    • 50% crit rate
  • light cone
    • temporary: sleep like the dead | cd increase by 30%
    • future perm: baptism of pure thought

fu xuan (tank)

skill > talent > ultimate

basic attack unnecessary

  • 2pc longevous 2pc guard
    • body | hp %
    • feet | spd
  • broken keel
    • planar sphere | hp%
    • link rope | er
  • sub stats
    • hp%, spd, effect res, def%, break effect
  • aim stats (at least...)
    • 30% effect res (pay attention to lc addition), 6k hp
  • light cone
    • temporary: texture of memories | effect res increase by 16% at max superimpose
    • future perm: she already shut her eyes

sparkle (crit dmg buffer)

talent > skill + ultimate

don't level base attack

  • 4pc messenger traversing hackerspace
    • body | crit dmg
    • feet | spd
  • broken keel
    • planar sphere | hp% or def%
    • link rope | er
  • sub stats
    • crit dmg + spd, effect res + hp%
  • recommended stat values
    • 30% effect res to activate broken keel

robin (support sub dps)

ultimate > skill > talent > basic attack

  • 2pc musketeer + 2pc prisoner
    • body | atk%
    • feet | atk% / spd
  • ornament set
    • planar sphere | atk% / phys dmg
    • link rope | er
  • sub stats
    • atk%, hp% + def%, spd
  • recommended stat values
    • atk: 3500-4000, spd: 121 or above
nov 25 2023 ∞
jun 23 2024 +