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6:49am, Friday, November 20th
"Good morning, Mr. Ben. It's about 6:30, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Ah, just laying here in the bed: half awake, half asleep, thinking about you. I was, uh, wondering if you were looking after your most valuable possession - your mind. I was thinking about John Glenn, his space journey and all. They said that when you're in space you lose muscle mass . . . and th...

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Prior to the days of the glitter-wearing, orange glow tanning, highlighted hair effeminate men of todays world, there were some straight up men back in the day. This list explores those heartthrobs whose levels of testosterone are high enough to rival that of a bulls. Or at least high enough to grow some goddamn chest hair (what is with these men of today??) Feel free to call to my attention if you think i have missed any, but believe me, this list was well researched (about 10 minutes).

  • Sean Connery. Considered to be one of the sexiest men of the century (as voted by people magazine in 1999,) this scottish man has won over the hearts of many girls with his thick, dreamy accent.
  • Humphrey Bogart. Who doesn't love a man in a trenchcoat, solving mysteries? Or brooding over a glass of scotch? Someone whos never seen Casablanca or The Maltese Falcon, thats who.
  • Clark Gable. I was uncertain about him while watching Gone with the Wind, but once he said, "Frankly dear, I don't give a damn," he hooked me.
  • Elvis Presley. I may be a little embarrassed to admit this, but I swoon when I hear the King's voice. Plus, he started rock n roll. What've you done?
  • Marlon Brando. An award winning actor throughout his entire career that nearly spanned a lifetime, and also a downright hunk. Check him out in On the Waterfront if you dont know what im talking about. The Godfather, not so much.
  • Tony Curtis. I personally fell in love with him in the movie Some Like it Hot when he played the rich yacht owner. What can I say, I like a man in an ascot.
  • James Dean. Although I'm not a particular fan of blondes, his bad boy attitude seduced many a-woman worldwide. What a man, what a man.
  • Che Guevara. Sure he killed a lot of people and ostracized Cuba from the rest of the world along with Castro, but man he was attractive doing it.
  • Charlton Heston. Ohhh man. He was what made Ben-Hur great. Dirtied and shirtless, sometimes even wearing a leather kilt, Heston sure made an impact on women worldwide.
  • James (Jimmy) Stewert. Jimmy's a different kind of sexy. He's the bring-home-and-meet-the-family sexy that really puts him on this list.
  • Warren Beatty. Bonnie and Clyde remains as one of my favorite movies, perhaps because of the great chemistry between Dunaway and Beatty. Such a brute, gruff, gentleman.
  • Clint Eastwood. Eastwood is one of the only men on this list who have stood the test of time. I still find him as manly as he was in The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly as he is at 80 today.
  • Jim Morrison. The Doors frontman sure lit many fires.
  • J Robert Oppenheimer. I had to include an american historical figure on this list, so I chose Oppenheimer. For those who aren't up on their american history, Oppenheimer was the one who fronted the Manhattan Project that produced the nuclear bomb during WWII. Plus he was pretty cute.

Honorable Mentions:

  • Wesley Snipes
  • Gary Cooper
  • Douglas Fairbanks
  • Al Pacino (as michael corleone)
  • Robert deNiro (in his scorsese days)
dec 22 2009 ∞
dec 24 2009 +