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6:49am, Friday, November 20th
"Good morning, Mr. Ben. It's about 6:30, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. Ah, just laying here in the bed: half awake, half asleep, thinking about you. I was, uh, wondering if you were looking after your most valuable possession - your mind. I was thinking about John Glenn, his space journey and all. They said that when you're in space you lose muscle mass . . . and th...

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Prior to the days of the glitter-wearing, orange glow tanning, highlighted hair effeminate men of todays world, there were some straight up men back in the day. This list explores those heartthrobs whose levels of testosterone are high enough to rival that of a bulls. Or at least high enough to grow some goddamn chest hair (what is with these men of today??) Feel free to call to my attention if you think i have missed any, but believe me, this list was well researched (about 10 minutes).

  • Sean Connery . Considered to be one of the sexiest men of the century (as voted by people magazine in 1999,) this scottish man has won over the hearts of many girls with his thick, dreamy accent.
  • Humphrey Bogart . Who doesn't love a man in a trenchcoat, solving mysteries? Or brooding over a glass of scotch? Someone whos never seen Ca...
dec 22 2009 ∞
dec 24 2009 +
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I have a love/hate relationship with thrift stores. They're great if i find something at a ridiculously low price that is ridiculously unused. However, most of the time spent in a thrift store is digging through endless racks of granny shirts and items from the JCPenny annual sale. After a good two hours of this I get worn out and I end up cursing value village for being the succubus that it is. So here it is; a list that includes something that you'll always find at your local thrift store.

  • Cheesy VHS movies from the 80's and 90's
  • Medival type jewelry: this includes dragon rings, amulets, gold chains, and orange cubic zirconia shaped into a narrow oval
  • shirts the color of shit brown
  • shirts that are too short yet too wide to be worn by anyone
nov 22 2009 ∞
nov 22 2009 +
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  • Heroes

The first season hooked me, the second was just a filler, and the third was just plain confusing. I just don't have the heart to continue with it.

  • Lost

For similar reasons as Heroes. I loved the first couple seasons, but then once time travel was involved i gave up. Just not worth the brain power. J.J. Abrams just likes to fuck with us.

  • Spongebob Squarepants

Now this ones a hard one for me. I love spongebob. Just not the recent episodes. They took out all the nuances of the previous seasons and dumbed it down. I understand that the show is intended for pre schoolers, but man it used to have some highbrow humor in there that was just absolut...

oct 12 2009 ∞
nov 1 2009 +
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So a friend of mine led me to the website, claiming that I like or have liked every single item on that list with fervor. I ended going through all #131 entries (so far!) and I found that yes, in fact, I am probably the whitest person on this planet. However, there were a few entries which I absolutely didn't agree with, which led me from thinking that I was the whitest person on the planet to perhaps the 5th whitest person on the planet. Here are a few specific entries that I did not agree with, and of course, explanations.

  • #75 Threatening to Move to Canada : besides whistler, the lower drinking age, and uncensored television, there is really no reason to move to canada.
  • #127 Where the Wild Things Are : It's strange, that being such a huge movie fan that I've never liked a single Spike Jonze full length movie. Sure, I can appreciate them aesthetically (where the ..._Being John Malkovich_ is one of those movies that gets favorit...
jan 27 2010 ∞
jan 29 2010 +
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  • The collaboration with the Seattle Symphony Orchestra! It was amazing to hear and see some of his songs with a full on orchestra. And none of it was that god awful thing where they just add some strings and brass onto the live bad. It was him and 90+ people playing along with him, lead by a conductor.
  • The fact that instead of choosing his most popular songs to play, he chose some of his lesser known songs (think lullabye and steven's last night in town).
  • His ability to downright discuss things with the audience. I know one of his hallmark abilities is to incorporate the audience during shows, but this time i felt he did a particularly good job (better than when i saw him in may). He would chat it up between songs, and tell us stories about how a song came to be (with lots of humor!) It felt like we were in a tiny ven...
oct 20 2009 ∞
oct 20 2009 +
  • cooking/eating things that have been unrefridgerated for several hours (or on the contrary, eat things that are so burned you might as well be eating ashes)
  • picking, cooking, and eating mushrooms from the woods without any sort of guide (fun fact: there are over 80 species of deadly mushrooms that look safe to eat. If you don't know what you are doing there is a high chance of ending up paralyzed or dead. Moral of the story is: don't pick you're own mushrooms unless you have a fucking PHD in fungi)
  • saying things like, "Vladimir Putin is a fox!" or "the Russian mafia is all over Seattle!"
  • When asked to get goldfish at the grocery store, she brings home an actual, dead, goldfish.
  • Has been known to go into the woods, drape moss all over her body, get some bark, ...
oct 16 2009 ∞
oct 20 2009 +
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Being a film junkie, I tend to go through different genre mood swings. One month i'll see as many foreign films as i can, and then at the drop of a hat i'll switch to gangster flicks. I'll still see other movies during those times, but when I'm not at the theater catching up on the current movies, i'll tend to rent more films in the same genre. Right now i've been going through the Austen area of films, the beloved pre 20th century period piece. And although i've always been a fan of period pieces, a sudden resurgence of interest has caused me to rent any movie with an ascot-wearing man with mutton chops on the cover. I've tried to synthesize my love for period pieces in the list below, however non-sequitur it may be.

  • the politeness and the manner of how the characters speak
  • the light, flow-y dresses best worn whil...
dec 5 2009 ∞
dec 5 2009 +

This was a big issue. It took us literally forever to figure out what we were going to be. And by the way, we aren't those girls who use Halloween as an excuse to dress up as sluts (note: mario and luigi. Possibly the most un-sexy thing to dress up as.)

  • Fred and Barney from The Flinstones
  • Scooby Doo and Shaggy (albeit very briefly)
  • A banana and an apple (Vivienne's [the friend] mother's idea, never took flight)
  • Simon and Garfunkel
  • Mick Jagger and David Bowie (Fun fact: Did you know that the song "Angie" was rumored to be written about Bowies wife walking in on jagger and bowie gettin freaky?)
  • something that involved lederhosen
  • Vikings/bavarians
  • Teddy and Lucky (our two dogs)
nov 1 2009 ∞
nov 1 2009 +