• i'm not religious, but i used to pray every night for almost two years, sometimes to the portrait of the grandmother and grandfather i never met at the end of the hallway.
  • i have a soft spot for really obnoxious pop music. and rom-coms (sometimes).
  • i'm a hufflepuff (but a huffleclaw at heart).
  • i have a very specific way of eating pretty much everything. there's a lot of eating things towards the middle and picking things apart with my hands.
  • i'm the type of person who, once finding something they like at a restaurant, will proceed to order that thing over and over again. that, plus having a social phobia, makes being as adventuresome as i'd like to be rather problematic, but i try in my own little ways.
  • i enjoy plotting out music videos in my head while i'm listening to a song; i'm rather fond of the one i have for ludo's 'lake pontchartrain.'
  • i cry easily, as well as laugh.
    • in fact, i laugh somewhat obnoxiously easily.
  • my dog's name is momo; we got him the same time my family and i were re-watching a:tla. for a while my parents tried to tell us (me and my sister) that he was named after momotaro, the peach boy from japanese folklore, but i never believed them. recently, my dad admitted that he was named after the flying lemur from the show.
  • i appear very unorganised, but that's because i let things go. once i get started, i'm very obsessive while organising things. i break it down and try to compartmentalise everything very specifically and give everything its own space. i enjoy occasionally getting into other people's messes and making everything all nice and tidy. that's why i like typing up my feelings and thoughts and making lists. it helps to get everything out and put together in a more coherent way than it was, just floating around in my head.
    • writing lists down physically is the best way of doing this, according to my brain.
  • i adore cuddling in theory, but the discomfort i have in/with my own body doesn't let me really enjoy the experience.
  • i hover around the grey-ace area of sexuality, but kissing is one of the best things in the world.
    • the slow, sweet kind is absolutely my favourite
  • i love personality tests, despite the fact they're almost never entirely accurate, and when they are, it's because they've went out of their way to be vague.
  • if cigarettes weren't so unhealthy, i would pick smoking up as a habit in a heartbeat.
  • i occasionally enjoy doing things like chores, as it makes me feel like an accomplished ~adult~. (i fantasise about grocery shopping.)
  • i have a tendency to fall into fandoms hard and fast, but am absolutely terrible at keeping up with their source canon. as of 10/25, i still have yet to be caught up with supernatural, doctor who, and homestuck, to name a few.
  • i absolutely love to feel scared/unnerved (by fictional things) and will actively seek out that feeling when possible.
  • i have the worst immune system out of everyone i know. i generally get at least four or five colds per year, but sometimes more.
    • the symptoms also tend to linger for ~2 weeks at a time.
  • i love looking at other people's sketches and doodles, and find them vastly more inspiring than finished works.
  • i also really enjoy looking at people's workspaces and bedrooms.
    • especially when they're cluttered! 'organised clutter' is my favourite.
  • i have a huge affinity for trinkets and trifles. little figures, feathers, notes, tiny boxes, doodles by other people, amigurumis, itty-bitty wooden toys, little potted succulents... that sort of thing. i know a lot of people consider them useless junk, but i just really adore them. especially since i usually end up attributing sentimental value to them.
  • the classic phone ringing and clock alarm sounds trigger my anxiety.
  • i usually keep my hair pretty long, and have developed a habit of playing with it. it's gone so far that i occasionally catch myself twisting it into a loose, messy braid when walking between places at work.
  • i have an affinity for back-to-school supplies.
  • my friends and i almost saw the pink spiders in concert; they were 'headlining' a concert filled with all sorts of little garage bands. (most of the people there were there to see them; i was very peeved because most of them paid no attention to the other bands and were very rude-- doing things such as texting and talking while the other bands were playing.) we were so annoyed that we ended up leaving before they played, and the band that we were kinda friends with at the time assured us that they were douches so it didn't really matter anyway. i've been surprised to since learn that they've reached some degree of fame.
  • subconsciously, i like to hoarde things. i like to collect physical objects. books, dvds, makeup, graphic t-shirts, art supplies, candles, air fresheners...
  • i'm barefooted whenever possible.
  • i hated high school so much/high school stressed me out so deeply that watching high school scenes in television shows and the ilk make me feel anxious.
  • i sneeze really quietly. i have been informed that i have 'princess kitten' sneezes, and a co-worker told me that they were really cute and that they suited me.
oct 8 2011 ∞
aug 7 2023 +