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family - headache, you know, the usual - lots of clouds and singing birds - first sunday of the year: lunch at relatives house, slept during the afternoon, early dinner - looking for a job... again - i love music so much - finally getting into the book i'm reading - i think i got a job - it's a long story (jk i'm just a mess) - but tuesday i'll know for sure - fingers crossed - i bought strawberry soju, miso and ramen - i'm becoming my own personal chef (i love it) - i'm thrilled tbh - i feel like i'm growing up, and i'm not scared - i'm excited - sometimes everything feels like a dream - a mess - i'm still unemployed bro - but it's raining <3 - guess what... i'm still unemployed!!! clap clap clap - lol but it's okay - ....hello - i got a job!!!! - a internship - i start today 25/01 - hello i'm on my shift - kinda tired but fine - a lot of bananas and watermelon - been busy - but... idk - i'm never satisfied - depressive episodes - i honestly thought it was the end for me - sometimes things get so hard - and i can't stop my noxious thoughts - but i'm here


it's been 9 days already - been busy and tired - hello - i'm fine - been working, reading, sleeping, eating - hello - i miss writing - but my head seems empty - thinking about cutting my bangs - feeling lazy :/ - i fucking hate my fucking job - but life is... good i guess - it's gonna be alright - i'm a drama queen :/


oi - to bem! nesse momento - é uma montanha russa - ando trabalhando e lendo - tenho que me organizar - tirei 5 sisos - foi PÉSSIMO - fiquei com medo de morrer na cadeira do dentista - mas to viva né - a recuperação ta sendo chata - mas to refletindo sobre coisas que preciso refletir - minha cabeça can only take uma coisa de cada vez - a lot happened, but also not much - criei um instagram sobre veganismo - fiquei muito mal por um tempo, muito mesmo, mas agora to melhorando


viva - to meio merda, mas to ok




oi... - to novo! - comendo manga - sou meio doida


to tentando voltar a escrever meu livro :( - to viva - estudando e vendo série - me isolando constantemente e tendo muita crise de ansiedade - me sinto uma estátua - i'm sick and becoming the joker - it can be covid - but i hope it isn't lol - sad sad sad - realmente peguei covid, mas to bem - esse mes foi bizarro


my eating disorder is very fucking bad lately - i'm just so bummed - tranquei a faculdade :) - meu futuro é incerto, mas sempre foi - medo do futuro - medo de tudo - viajei achando que seria bom pra mim.... piorei! - mas sou boba


é meu aniversário - calor! - amo meus amigos... sinto que sou amada genuinamente - terminei pachinko! chorei... muito bom - ocupada e ao mesmo tempo nao sinto que to vivendo


emotional exhaustion - cansada de tudo perdendo o sentido constantemente


filmes - pipoca e fruta - crises de choro - oi kdjfksjfkd - trabalhando e fazendo loucuras no tempo livre - preciso voltar a estudar - lendo outro livro do murakami - me sinto meio doida mas to bem - muita tristeza em mim nesse mês


december is flying - so i am - kidding, i'm just... off - but that's okay, that's life - i'm doing fine - i miss baking and cooking - i love music so much...i also miss singing - watched spider-man at the cinema, it was really nice, ate too much popcorn and drank too much soda tho - i'm feeling so strange, so myself and at the same time so not me - arrependimento, vergonha - preciso muito mudar certos hábitos - adoeci de novo - tenho que me cuidar de verdade, e cuidar dos outros -

jan 1 2021 ∞
jan 1 2022 +