- a bassist who can play the entire blink-182 discography
- a film school student who can quote just about any classic film
- a aspiring writer who has the most creative ideas for short stories
- a future alcoholic who can take fifteen Jell-O shots and finish a bottle of rum within a few hours
- a resident of New Mexico who can make up songs on spot when she's stoned
- a seventeen-year-old with a full beard who can fake a doctor's note
- a friend no one even likes, but still manages to be invited to all the get-togethers
- a spoiled boy who always manages to get out of cleaning up after parties
- a redhead who has multiple orgasms
- a gay guy who really is good at math
- a little version of me with an incredibly long tongue
aug 8 2012 ∞
aug 9 2012 +