y u l e ┊ 21st-23rd dec
- meaning → celebration of the winter solstice which marks the return of the sun to the earth and brings hope, renewal, and birth
- colours → red, green, gold
- plants & herbs → pine, cinnamon, nutmeg, oak
- incense → cedar, frankincense, cinnamon, pine
- crystals → bloodstone, emerald, citrine, clear quartz
- food & drink → mulled wine, hot cider, nuts
i m b o l c ┊ 1st feb
- meaning → this is the sign that your soul is reawakening after winter's rest and the cold, harsh days are stirring for spring. it's a time for cleansing, sowing new seeds, trial and initiation
- colours → pink, white, light green
- plants & herbs → blackberry, chamomile, snowdrops, witch hazel
- incense → vanilla, lily, jasmine
- crystals → amethyst, turquoise, citrine, bloodstone
- food & drink → sunflower/pumpkins seeds, seeded breads, poppy seed cakes
o s t a r a ┊ 19th-21st mar
- meaning → ostara marks the spring equinox. it represents balance, rebirth and growth as well as a time of intense abundance where the earth's fertility is strong
- colours → pastel pinks, green, yellow, white
- plants & herbs → narcissus, daffodils, honeysuckle, lemon balm
- incense → rose, strawberry, sandalwood, jasmine
- crystals → clear quartz, rose quartz, agate, amazonite, jasper
- food & drink → eggs, kale, spinach, lettuce, breads
b e l t a n e ┊ 1st may
- meaning → beltane marks the midway point between spring and summer. this is when the earth is extremely fertile, with baby animals and new plants now growing steadily and strongly
- colours → red, blue, green, yellow
- plants & herbs → daffodil, hawthorne, dandelion, meadowsweet, paprika, primrose, oak
- incense → rose, frankincense, ylang-ylang, peach, vanilla
- crystals → emerald, sunstone, beryl, malachite
- food & drink → wine, sweet breads, elderflower, oats
l i t h a ┊ 20th-24th jun
- meaning → litha marks the summer solstice. this is when the earth is at it's peak and the spread of light and positivity is powered by the nurturing energy of the sun
- colours → red, gold, yellow, orange
- plants & herbs → daffodil, dandelions, sunflowers, lavender, rose, sage, rosemary
- incense → rose, lavender, musk, orange, lemon
- crystals → sunstone, citrine, calcite, yellow topaz, emerald
- food & drink → apple cider, squash, carrots, honey
l a m m a s ┊ 1st aug
- meaning → lammas marks the first harvest celebration of the year. it is the time we start to prepare for the end of summer and the sun starts to wane into it's gradual descent
- colours → green, gold, light brown, yellow
- plants & herbs → grains, heather, basil, blackthorne, clover, ivy
- incense → sandalwood, mint, rose, frankincense
- crystals → citrine, golden topaz, amber, peridot
- food & drink → breads, oats, honey, corn, apples
m a b o n ┊ 21st-24th sep
- meaning → mabon marks the autumn equinox and is often known as the pagan thanksgiving. it's a time for reflecting and giving thanks to what the earth has provided us for the oncoming winter
- colours → brown, gold, yellow, orange
- plants & herbs → sage, rosemary, chamomile, marigold
- incense → sage, pine, cinnamon, apple, frankincense
- crystals → citrine, amber, quartz, sapphire
- food & drink → rye bread, apples, potatoes, fresh meat
s a m h a i n ┊ 31st oct-1st nov
- meaning → samhain is the last sabbat on the wheel and marks the end of the current cycle. it's a time when the veil between the spirit world and the living world is at it's thinnest. we celebrate and pay respects to those that have passed on
- colours → orange, black, gold, purple, silver
- plants & herbs → calendula, rosemary, garlic, sage
- incense → sage, frankincense, mint, cinnamon, myrrh
- crystals → clear quartz, obsidian, smokey quartz, bloodstone, onyx
- food & drink → meat, potatoes, parsnips, pumpkins, spiced wine, apples